TTC since May taking longer than usual...


I suffered a ruptured Cornual ectopic pregnancy march this year resulting in blood transfusions, emergency keyhole & open surgery after being half hour away from loosing my life. Really shook me up as I suffered previous to that 2 miscarriages in February and September 2012.

We have been TTC since May and 6 months on still no luck. It has taken longer than normal to fall pregnant since my ectopic which resulted in my left tube being removed and a small part of my uterus removed too. Usually I would have fallen pregnant each time within 4ish months of TTC as happened with my 2 miscarriages and this ectopic and when I concieved my beautiful little boy back in 2009.

So as you can imagine my mind has gone into overdrive panicking etc. thinking the worst.

My periods were always regular and normal but recently the past 4 months they haven’t been regular they are anything from 28 day cycle (which is very very rare for me only happened first time this months cycle) to 30 days to 32 days or 34…so I can never really put my finger on when I will be due on etc.

Any ladies on here that had a tube removal or a cornual ectopic who successfully have fallen pregnant or are still trying have taken longer so far to fall pregnant since it all?

My gynaecologist wouldn’t let me have any tests after 3 losses saying that I was still young and as I miscarried just before 12 weeks and this ectopic has been once it could just be off chances and better luck next time which aggravated me as felt it was quite stingy as someone of my age (22) shouldn’t be suffering with so many losses…

No doubt I won’t get any help if I visit my Gp in 6 months time after a year of TTC and no luck as they don’t ever seem keen in helping…

Thanks x

Hi Jgouveia21,

I suffered a missed miscarriage that resulted in three lots of medical management that didn’t work and a D&C then six months later suffered a badly misdiagnosed ectopic pregnancy that ruptured, resulted in a blood transfusion, loss of my right tube and nearly cost me my life. So I really sympathise with how you feel. Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy aren’t medically related but that didn’t make me feel any better!

My first two pregnancies had happened quite easily but, after the ectopic, my regular 28 day period dropped to every 34/35 days for a time and I became stressed by the worry that it would make it harder to conceive. Eventually, everything settled back to 28 days.

To answer your question, it took me longer - a year - to get pregnant with only one Fallopian tube but I was able to conceive naturally. I then went on to have a second daughter naturally who caught me by surprise while I was still breast feeding.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

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