Category | Topics |
Main BoardThis is a welcoming place for you to ask your questions and share your knowledge and experiences of ectopic pregnancy. |
Preparing For Your Next PregnancyA forum for you to support each other through to your next pregnancy. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Pregnant After Ectopic PregnancyA place where we can share our hopes and fears about conceiving again. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Men's SpaceJust for men to post our questions and share our opinions about ectopic pregnancies. Please note this board is for men only. If you wish to ask a general question, please post on the main board. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
LGBTQ+ communitiesA safe space for those in our LGBT+ communities to share their experience of ectopic pregnancy. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Other Pregnancy and Baby LossThis is a safe space for parents of babies lost to other types of loss after they have experienced an ectopic pregnancy. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Alternative Routes to ParenthoodA place to discuss options and share experiences. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Living Life Without ChildrenA place to share experiences, thoughts and feelings surrounding this issue after ectopic pregnancy. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Poems, Prose, and Words of RemembranceYour words of comfort and support. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Parents' PlaceA place to discuss aspects of parenting, share birth and adoption stories, anecdotes about children, tips and how ectopic pregnancy has affected us as parents. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
Who's WhoYour chance to find out about your fellow survivors, and share your stories. To keep this as a safe space, before being able to post freely, an administrator will need to activate your account and authorise your first post. |
PollsPeople often want to run polls and so do we you can place your poll here so people genuinely interested in polls can visit and contribute |