Ready to TTC

Hi all,

I’m new to the site and have been quite overwhelmed by all the lovely support and comments people have posted about their experiences.

I had a miscarriage last November and unfortunately went on to have emergency surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy at the beginning of February this year - which resulted in my left tube being removed.

My Husband and I have waited the recommended 3 month period before TTC again – but I feel rather odd not having anyone ‘check’ that my ovaries/other tube are working wellas the fact that I am absolutely terrified that it may happen again.

So I suppose I have a couple of questions:

  • Did anyone see a Doctor before TTC again?

  • Is there anything I can do to prepare my body? (I have started to take pregnacare)

Really grateful for any advice anyone has.

Thanks so much


I am also new to this site. I am currently mid miscarriage. Found out I was pregnant on 31 march I was 3 weeks and 4 days. Scan at 3 weeks 5 days highlighted a problem and hcg levels were staying flat at 150. one week later it was confirmed it was a failing ectopic in my left tube. I actually ovulated on my right side. This was my first pregnancy. Hcg levels are coming down naturally 71 on friday and 25 today so I have been advised just to do a pregnancy test in a week to confirm it is negative. It Didn’t take us too long to get pregnant - 3 months. I feel devastated and I have no idea how to pull myself out of this rutt. I’m normally so positive but cant seem to pick myself up. I think the painfully slow process is making it worse. I always assumed a miscarriage was over quickly. When people ask when did it happen its strange to say now!

In answer to your question below I also think its quite strange that you are just left. I have booked in to see a private gynaecologist/obs I can get this with private medical care as ectopic is covered. They can conduct a hsg which I think I will have as I would like to know if I have any problems. Also they can provide pre conception advice. Is this something you can do?

How long did it take people to ovulate after a natural ectopic miscarriage. I’m also terrified of trying again in case this repeats but i don’t feel like i’m going to be happy until I am pregnant again. The sense of failure is really hitting me hard. Do hcg levels need to be at 0?


So sorry to hear your sad news.

I too have private healthcare but unfortunately having spoken with them today need to have suffered 3 miscarriages to be seen (!)

My period didn’t return until 6 weeks after surgery - I unfortunately bled for 4 weeks post surgery which probably contributed to having to wait so long - but my cycle has returned to 29 days which is a relief. I’m afraid I don’t know much about hcg levels as they were fine when I left hospital

Dear Both,

I am so sorry you are going through all of this. To try and answer your questions:

  • You do not have to see a doctor before you try to conceive again after being discharged, although many hospitals offer a follow up appointment. This is more to ask questions and they don’t tend to examine you. If you haven’t been offered an appointment but feel you would like to speak it someone then it is worth making an appointment with your GP or ringing the early pregnancy unit to ask for a hospital follow up appointment to see what they say.

  • There is nothing in particular you can do to prepare your body other than take folic acid supplements. There is also evidence from scientific studies that alcohol reduces the ability to conceive as it can affect ovulation or implantation. Equally there is evidence that smoking can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy as well as impact any pregnancy.

  • Women don’t ovulate while there is hCG hormone in the body so it will need to return to 0 before ovulation occurs. This varies from woman to woman but typically women have their first period in six weeks.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

EPT Host 13

Thanks.i have also had different advice re flying. The nurses said I shouldn’t fly until my hcg is 0 . albeit given they won’t give me another blood test I’m not sure how I’m supposed to know this. However the consultant said I was ok to fly now. I’m due to fly this weekend. Has anyone else had conflicting advice?

Thank you so much for your advice - really appreciate you taking the time to read my post and reply :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Re advice about flying - The advice on not flying until hCG levels are 0 has it’s basis in when someone is being treated with methotrexate or being managed expectantly (watch and wait), they are still at risk of rupture even though they are being monitored and occasionally some people rupture even with low hCG levels. Medical professionals would naturally not want someone to fly while they are being monitored because of the risk of rupture still being there.

Doctors monitor the beta hCG level through blood tests until they are confident that the ectopic pregnancy has resolved and there is no longer a risk of rupture. Usually when levels have fallen to below 5mIU/mL. After this point it should be safe to fly. However, we do not have access to your medical notes and, if you have been advised otherwise, it is worth phoning the hospital to ask why they do not think you should fly just in case there was a medical issue that specifically related to you. Particularly with you hearing conflicting advice about flying it would be worth just clarifying things.

Best wishes,

EPT Host 13