scared of missing ectopic please advise!

Please help me if you can

First month of ttc since ruptured tube removal but I have now got myself into a frenzy about the thought of missing an ectopic - what if it ruptures before I’m due a period what if I don’t take a pregnancy test early enough ( as I am now irregular) etc etc I thought I’d be ok but thefear of going through it again is more overwhelming than I thought - I’m now thinking I might have to let the fear win


I know exactly how your feeling but remember as soon as your able to do a test you will be around 4 weeks pregnant (if you conceived) and see your doctor straight away or book an appointment with the EPAU who can scan you from 6 weeks.

The day I found out I was pregnant with the ectopic I instantly knew something was wrong I had pains on one side and was spotting a dark colour.

Someone on here said when it comes to TTC try and forget about what happens and put a diary reminder in to do a pregnancy test 5 weeks after your period, which I intend doing this month, rathar than doing about 3/4 too early.

Good luck to you xxx

I feel for you, really I do.

We had an ectopic in July, which ended in a salpingtectomy… My tube didn’t rupture, thank goodness, as I had a great epau who spotted my symptoms straight away and rushed me in.

We have promised ourselves now that we are trying again that we will just relax and ‘let nature take its course’, but that is hard when you’ve been through what we have and are terrified of the same thing happening again.

I try to tell myself that I am very in tune with my body, as most of us women are, and that I will know if something is wrong. Get checked out, insist upon a scan as soon as you know you are pregnant, and trust that you will be cared for whatever happens.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

Dear Jo

I’m sorry for the delay in replying to your post - I thought I had replied but cannot see my post anywhere!

I just wanted to say that it is normal and understandable to feel nervous of being pregnant again. It may never not feel scary to be trying to conceive. However, sometimes letting a little more time pass before ttc can help - feeling very anxious may be your mind’s way of telling you that you don’t feel ready to try again just yet. Please be gentle with yourself and take your time.

As others have said, when you do find yourself pregnant again you will have an early scan to check the pregnancy is in the right place. And you will know better than last time what to look for for symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy so if you were to have one, it would hopefully be diagnosed very early on. And, statistically, you are more likely to have a normal healthy pregnancy than another ectopic.

Wishing you all the best

Beth - EPT Host


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Thankyou Beth and others for replying and taking the time that really helps - this forum has been such a source of comfort and strength you have no idea!