Scan tomorrow. please wish me good luck!

My scan is tomorrow and I’m feeling so nervous since I have been feeling the exact same way as my last pregnancy 4 months ago which was a ectopic pregnancy… For anyone who is interested on wanting to know how my scan goes I will keep y’all updated on how the scan goes tomorrow .

Good luck with your scan tomorrow hope all goes ok xxx

Thank you for the good luck… I actually had wrote “scan tomorrow” last night of August 5 and its showing up that I wrote it today … For the update on how the scan went, the baby was in the right place now and I thought I was already 6 weeks but the ultrasound is saying I’m 2 days behind so I won’t be 6 weeks until tomorrow so I’m happy and feeling better about this pregnancy now… also the women told me that she thinks she seen a little heartbeat.

Candice that is fab news!! I think all the worry we do after experiencing an ectopic then falling again doesn’t help with the pains! My doc told me it was probably worry then after seeing her I felt fine! I am very happy your little bean is in the right place, it’s such a relief isn’t it. Wishing you a healthy happy pregnancy xx

Hi Ginge0203,

Yes it such a relief to find out that my little bean is in the right place this time but I will be even more happy when I get pass the miscarriage stage. Also I got the result back for my hcg level and at 4 weeks and 1 day my level was 420 which I don’t know if that’s good or not and I asked the women who was doing my ultrasound ,if she see a heartbeat and she told me that she THINKS she see a little heartbeat which kind of confuse me and I wonder what she mean by a “little heartbeat”… so I’m still worried a little but I’m trying to stay positive…anyways my due date is April 2,2015 I was just wondering but when is your due dadate?

Hi Candice,

I wouldn’t worry about your hcg levels as they do say these vary from woman to woman and are not to be relied on although the nurse said to me the higher the levels the more likely they are to see the baby’s heartbeat. So seen as you were not quite 6 weeks when they scanned it may have been more difficult for them to see the heartbeat. Are you going back for a further scan in the next week or two? I’m sure all is ok, I too am also on pins wanting to get through the next 6 weeks.

My due date was the 2nd April 2015 also but as they think I am a few days ahead this is now 29th March but this will be confirmed at 12 week scan.

Good luck to you and here’s to a happy and healthy pregnancy for both of us!! Xx


No I’m not going for a further scan, and for my hcg level they told me that the levels are okay. But I’m starting to worry because today I had diarrhea with bad cramping and I was extremely close to passing out. After that I felt nausea and now I’m having lower back pains but their not bad I have no clue what it could be