so scared

Well tomorrow is d day. I have my early scan, I’m dreading it but more so because I fear that one of my best friends is going through an ectopic. She’s being tested at the moment but I can see the fear in her eyes. Can anyone suggest what we might see, I should be 6 weeks and had good blood results last week. Thank you. Xxx

Good luck will be thinking of you. If you’re 6 weeks should hopefully see a little bean with a heartbeat

Hey how did your scan go xx

They could see a sac but no baby or yolk, that’s strange at 6 weeks so I have to go back on the 30th for another. Bloods still doubling so that looks good. My friend was told she’s having an ep so even more scared now as she too had a sac in the right place but no baby or yolk. I guess it’s just a case of time will tell. Xxx

Hi Bec,

with me at 5-6 weeks they could see a gestational sec and possibly a yolk, a week later we went back and saw the baby with a heartbeat. I am now 22 weeks. Please don’t give up yet, depending on when you ovulated, being a day or 2 off what you thought can make such a difference at this early stage. Try to be positive, I know its so so hard.

thinking of you


Thanks Marie. Xxx