Had a positive test this morning. Please keep me in your prayers, hoping its in the right place
Congratulations Mc1987,
Will keep everything crossed for you!
Keep us posted x
Thanks Chrissy
Congratulations and fingers crossed for you x
congratulations! Try to keep calm and enjoy, which I know is so hard.
First doctors visit Monday morning. Not sure if they will do a scan just yet or hcg count. Will only be 4w4d on that day so I’m thinking to early for scan?
Hi there MC1987,
We had a e/p last Dec. Had right tube removed and waited 3 months. Found out we were pregnant in Feb. We were scanned at hospital at 4w (as soon as we had the positive pg test!).
I’m just writing because that first scan was truly nerve-wracking. I didn’t realise at the time but they probably won’t be able to see anything in your uterus… sac or anything because it’s too small. They wrote on the form ‘no evidence of pregnancy’ which had me in tears until she explained you wouldn’t expect to see anything by then. What they can do is check your tubes to see if they are clear. Again though… everything is so small they might not be able to much either but they were able to tell us at that point that there def wasn’t another ectopic. They’ll ask you to come back a week later and they should also do a hcg and urine test. We went back at 5w and by then they could see the yolk sac.
Hope it all goes well and hang in there… the first weeks are the worst.
All the best,
Hi shortcake thanks for the reply. I will definitely remember that when I go in for the scan. I am not sure how soon they will bring me in for a scan. I Know the process of determining the location can be long and scary. All I can do now is hope and try not to worry. Thanks for the reply
Good luck! <3
Today I had my scan at 6weeks and 3 days and its in right place with heartbeat. Second preganancy since Ep. You have to remember its more likely to be alright that not. I’m glad I waited until the 6-7 week, I knew I’d not cope with the no heart beat if I went earlier.
That’s great news! I just wish there was an easier or faster answer to all of this