5 weeks pregnant and terrified!

Hi everyone.

I had an ectopic in March and lost my right tube. Found out last week that I am pregnant again and am so scared I don’t know what to do with myself. Every little pain is sending me crazy and keep google searching everything. Have had a few little cramps and a tiny bit of spotting this week which isn’t helping. The nurse at EPU said not to worry too much about the spotting and has booked me in for q scan on Monday when I will be 5+4.

I don’t know how to get through the next few days!! :frowning:

Congratulations! I can imagine how worried you will feel up until that first scan so I can’t really say anything that will make that any better. Just want to say good luck and keep us posted, x

Try to stay away from google! It won’t help, it will only scare you. Good luck! I hope you have a great scan!

Rosie I understand ur scared. Im praying for you that all will be well with ur Monday scan. Try think positive n know that a bit of cramping n lil spotting can be perfectly normal n not a sign of bad news. Wen I was first preg at 4/5 weeks I was getting bad cramps especially on the right side where I had a suspected ectopic last year but I had to wait till I was 6 wks and 3 days preg for my scan n all was well. So I really hope all is well for you n im sending you hugs n praying for you that all is well. X x

Rosie I know how you feel!! my ectopic was in march too and I lost my right tube. I got my bfp Thursday I’m not even 4 weeks pregnant yet. Epu have turned me away until I’m a bit further along. Will try phoning next week. I’m getting niggles on my left side and I’m so scared. Fc your scan is all OK, stay strong! X

Thanks Ladies. I have had a very difficult weekend and am just getting ready to go to the hospital this morning. Fingers crossed xx

Good luck Rosie keep us updated x

Hi Rosie

I have exactly the same situation as you, ectopic in march lost right tube. My scan is Wednesday so know exactly how you feel, the odd niggles pains are driving me crazy too. Let me know how you get on today, keeping everything crossed for you xx

Feeling the same! Lost my right tube in November and now 4 and a bit weeks. Can’t relax!

Whispered congrats hope everything went well at ur scan x