So I’ve had my scan… I have a sac and yolk in the right place but no pole at the moment but not too worried about that as it could be too early! Just going to rescan on Thursday! But I also have a cystic area behind my womb which they need to keep an eye on… I also have a fluid shadow on my left side so They are not ruling out an ectopic too! They are monitoring my bloods although this probably won’t say a lot because I’ve hopefully got a viable pregnancy anyway but they may show something! I’ve got another scan on thurs to check everything again and this is with a consultant, hopefully the one who did my surgery!
They all knew me at the hospital… My case has been used in their discussion forums after my missed scan and then rupture … Only 2 like me in 15years at my hospital! Don’t know if I should feel lucky or unlucky about that one!!!
Still in limbo but I’m feeling really looked after and a tiny bit positive!
Ooh fingers crossed! Everyone remembered me at hosp as well, just because it wasn’t very long ago. Husband said we will have to send flowers to the registrar we keep seeing when we finally have good news!
Well still no heartbeat but definitely in the right place and developing well (I feel ok about no heartbeat at the moment actually because it looked different from sat and normally we wouldn’t get the 2nd scan so early on and it was on an old ward scanner so not as defined) the consultant was pleased it’s going in the right direction so I have to take that as positive! Further scan 1 week today! My fluid has all gone so that’s good and the cystic area (to him, he is lead of female reproduction) looks normal! He’s not writing off a separate ectopic because he can only say that by opening me up but he is happy to say he thinks it’s ok! Roll on next week and fingers crossed! ( I’m wishing away my school hols here) x
Hi, I am new to this and never commented on a forum before. Just looking for some positive stories. I had an ectopic and my left tube removed 2 weeks ago today. How are you getting on? Hope everything is going well for you! Xx
Thanks for ur msg… In Thursday I went back and saw a heartbeat! All other things seem normal fingers crossed! No one can rule out ectopic but they are 97% sure and even after last time (missed cornual ectopic on a scan) I’m positive enough consultants have seen me and agree! Just hope it continues to grow now! I’m 7 wk 3 days xx