So todays the day!! I have an early scan this morning to see where the pregnancy is . Im stupidly nervous and although ive had no symptoms of this pregnancy being ectopic i cant help but feel something is still wrong. Im not expecting to see much either way as im still very early 5+6 today . But pretty sure that if its in my remaining tube it will be visiable . Also not looking forward to the internal scan!! Terrible aint they!! Lol . Will update when i know whats going on … Anyone else have a location scan today??
Good luck, Stacey! I hope they can see it in your uterus!
Hello Heres my update pregnancy is in the uterus woohoo!!! Saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac . My womb Is tilted backwards so it made the scan a little bit harder . The ultrasound tec said everything looks good and i have another scan on the 7th march to see if theres a baby and a heartbeat x
Great news!
That’s wonderful! Congrats!
Wow! I’m so happy for you! ! I’ve got 12 days till my early scan. I hope it goes as well as yours xx