Hello ladies,
I am sorry that you and I are all part of this forum! Going through my ectopic pregnancy in April 2015 was one of the hardest things I have ever endured. I still struggle with it to this day. It took me over a year since my ectopic to conceive again, but I did it!! I willbe 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow. My hcg levels should be high enough to see something by ultrasound tomorrow. Although this pregnancy feels 100% different than my last (in a good way!)…I still can’t help but to be terrified of my scan tomorrow. I read a statistic that after an ectopic your risk does from 1 in 100 to 1 in 10. I am worrying myself sick I just need stories of hope or some encouraging words from some ladies that truly understand.
Hi x
I’m 5+2 and having my scan a week on Tuesday when I will be almost 7 weeks. I’m worried because I’m just fearing the worst, but at the same time I feel that it’s ok this time, last I just ‘knew’ something wasn’t right.
I’m avoiding Google about eptopic pg rates etc, because I know all it will do is stress me out.
I think you just have to be brave tomorrow and just see how things are. Hopefully it will be in the womb this time and all will be ok.
Have you been having bloods done? Xxx
Hi, I had ectopic December last year and left tube removed, now 10 weeks pregnant and all ok so far, early scan at 5 weeks showed sac in right place and 2 weeks later a scan showed baby with heartbeat. Good luck.
Good luck! I hope it goes well! I had an ectopic last year, but then my next pregnancy was in the right spot! It’s scary waiting to find out.
The ultrasound tech found a very small ges sac in my uterus. She labeled it with a question mark though so still not 100% confident
That’s great x
At 5 weeks that is what I would of expected. At least it’s reassuring to know it’s in the right place are they going to rescan you in a another week or two to check for Hb?
Yes huge relief it was in my UTERUS! I haven’t gotten it scheduled yet, but they said they will still do a viability scan in a week or two.