Pregnant with pain- success story!

I thought I should come on here with my experience because I found reading others very helpful when I didn’t know what was going on.

I had a PUL last year with left sided pain (presumed ectopic) which was managed expectantly. Then had similar but more mild pain each cycle after ovulation (always left).

I recently found out I was pregnant and the pain returned and was moderate in severity; lower back, hip irritation , left abdomen. It woke me from sleep sometimes. Worse on sitting or lying for periods and better with walking.

I had a scan today at 5+4 showing an intrauterine pregnancy with a heartbeat.

What I learnt from this forum is pain on next pregnancy is not necessarily pathology. My running theory is free fluid irritating sensitive pelvic floor muscles!

Dear Anon,

Congratulations on your pregnancy and thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experiences, especially regarding pain and discomfort which can be both very common and worrying post ectopic pregnancy. You really will bring hope and comfort to so many.

Wishing you a smooth pregnancy and we will always be here for you for as long as you need.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Hey ,

Massive congrats on your baby news .

I have just found out I’m pregnant (after an ectopic pregnancy this time last year ) where it had ruptured but I got my left tube saved but the same as your self I can feel ovulation pain on the left side now all the time . I had a lot of pain there this month after ovulation on my left hand side and just took a pregnancy test this morning which confirmed I’m pregnant . I’m convinced it’s another ectopic pregnancy but too early for a scan so just very nervous . I’m usually a very positive person but it’s a nerve wrecking time so glad to see a success story .