Wondering if someone can give me some advice? I suffered an Ectopic Pregnancy in September 2014 and had my right tube removed as a result. Spent the last 8 months coming to terms with this and haven’t felt in the right head space to start trying again. Last month, just before my period my DH and I decided the time was right to start trying again so I decided to start temping and using OPK sticks which had worked for us last year. Well blow me down with a feather if we didn’t succeed first try! I was due on today and I got a positive test yesterday and again today. This is different from last time as it took a few days to get a positive result after AF was due, this time I’ve got two very strong lines yesterday and today. I’m keeping everything crossed that this is a good sign this time.
When I was discharged from hospital last year, the consultant told me that as soon as I found out I was pregnant again, I was to come in for a scan. I went back to my GP last month for some reassurance (I might have been worrying about nothing it seems now) but my GP said I had to go in to see them to get referred to the Early Pregnancy Unit.
My dilemma is, do I go to the GP’s in the morning, sitting in the emergency walk in clinic to see a GP tomorrow to request blood tests and a referral to the EPU, taking time off work to do this, or do I call the EPU when they open at 9am and try to get an appointment for a scan?
I just wondered what other people’s experience had been when they were pregnant again after an ectopic. I wasn’t expecting to be in this situation so quickly, and getting a BFP on a weekend means I can’t call anyone!
Thanks for your help in advance