Positive Tests-what next?


Wondering if someone can give me some advice? I suffered an Ectopic Pregnancy in September 2014 and had my right tube removed as a result. Spent the last 8 months coming to terms with this and haven’t felt in the right head space to start trying again. Last month, just before my period my DH and I decided the time was right to start trying again so I decided to start temping and using OPK sticks which had worked for us last year. Well blow me down with a feather if we didn’t succeed first try! I was due on today and I got a positive test yesterday and again today. This is different from last time as it took a few days to get a positive result after AF was due, this time I’ve got two very strong lines yesterday and today. I’m keeping everything crossed that this is a good sign this time.

When I was discharged from hospital last year, the consultant told me that as soon as I found out I was pregnant again, I was to come in for a scan. I went back to my GP last month for some reassurance (I might have been worrying about nothing it seems now) but my GP said I had to go in to see them to get referred to the Early Pregnancy Unit.

My dilemma is, do I go to the GP’s in the morning, sitting in the emergency walk in clinic to see a GP tomorrow to request blood tests and a referral to the EPU, taking time off work to do this, or do I call the EPU when they open at 9am and try to get an appointment for a scan?

I just wondered what other people’s experience had been when they were pregnant again after an ectopic. I wasn’t expecting to be in this situation so quickly, and getting a BFP on a weekend means I can’t call anyone!

Thanks for your help in advance :slight_smile:

Congrats on your bfp! I haven’t been in this situation but with my ectopic I called my gp first thing in the morning and the duty Dr called me straight back and booked me in at the epu the next day. If your gp does phone consultations it might stop you having to go in to GPs?

Thanks Tess, I ended up calling the EPU this evening when I remembered I had their phone number! The nurse told me to get blood tests done this week at the GP’s if I could as they can’t scan before 6 weeks and I’m only 4 weeks at the minute. I can call the EPU tomorrow when the admin team are in and try to book in for a scan in a couple of weeks. I’m going to camp out at my GP’s first thing in the morning as they don’t do telephone apps, very tricky to ever get to see anyone there.

I’m in similar situation had extopic in aug 14 now pregnant and have appointment at docs tomorrow hoping to get booked in for scan as won’t feel relaxed until then!

Congrats :slight_smile: to both