Hi all. I got my BFP last week, and went to see my doctor yesterday. He sent me for blood work and is referring me to a specialist. When I had my surgery last year, I was told by the gyne resident that any subsequent pregnancies would be followed closely with bloodwork to confirm HCG was moving as it should, and an early scan.
I asked for multiple days of blood work, but my doctor said the specialists would do that… So, I’m wondering what you all have had done when you had your subsequent pregnancies. I know it varies, for sure. I’m back in to see my doctor in a week to go over my blood results and to see if I’ve heard from the specialist yet. At that point, I’ll be 5+6.
I can’t call to book a scan here, I have to wait until I’m called…
I feel fine, other than being tired. No weird twinges or anything that makes me feel like it would be a repeat ectopic. If I get any signs or symptoms that concern me, I’ll go to the ER. But I’m thinking of going to a walk in tomorrow to ask for another quantitative HCG so we have two sets at least next week when I see my doctor. And I think I’ll call the specialist office to see if they can give me an estimate of when I might get in for a scan. I don’t feel like waiting a week if I don’t hear from the specialist, especially with the holidays coming, and my doctor going on two weeks vacation.
I don’t have any advice but I am glad that you have posted this, as I have been wondering about having blood drawn (if and when I am pregnant again) as I think it would definitely make me feel better to hopefully the results double.
I don’t know whether or not my GP would do it though or the early pregnancy unit?
I think the process is different depending on where you are. I haven’t had a second set of blood drawn yet, nor have I got an ultrasound booked yet. I called the early complications centre who I’d dealt with when I had my mmc and ectopic and left a message asking if they could confirm that I needed an early scan, and how I get it. The nurse called me back (they are so fantastic there) and told me that my family doctor needs to book it, not the OBGYN, and she told me to call and follow up myself. So, after talking to her, I called my family doctor back, and they sent through the request for an early scan.
I go back to my family doctor on Tuesday, so I’m going to ask him then about if I actually deal with him for anything pregnancy related once I get in with the OBGYN, or just call there. Seems the early stuff is my family doctor, and the normal stuff (fingers crossed that I get to that point) are with the OBGYN.
I updated in the December TTC thread, but I’ll update here, too.
My beta HcG at 4+5 was 7000. I haven’t had a second test, and have none scheduled. My ultrasound is scheduled for January 15, which will be 9+2. I’m happy with the HcG number but also know that doesn’t mean it definitely isn’t ectopic. After being told over and over after my surgery that I need early scans and follow up blood work any further pregnancies, I’m feeling very frustrated. I thought I’d get a scan, but now I still have to wait another 3.5 weeks.
I am not feeling any signs of ectopic, but I really wasn’t the first time, either, though I did have some right side pain the first time. I don’t have that now.
Hi Stacey, thanks for checking in. I’m still doing well. Trying not to read into every little thing, though that’s hard. My pregnancy symptoms aren’t as intense so I’m wondering, but trying not to come to any conclusions! I’m trying to live by the motto of what will be will be, and not worry too much.
I’m looking forward to my appointment next week, and trying to just enjoy this time now!
This may not be very useful, since I am in the US, but I had my first scan at 6 weeks, 4 days (to confirm that the embryo was in the correct spot), and then had my first official OB/GYN appointment this morning (9 weeks, 5 days), which was blood work and a Doppler (so, so comforting to hear the heartbeat, as I have been getting worried since my symptoms seem to have been decreasing in the last couple days). My next scan is scheduled for 2 weeks from now, when I will be at 11 weeks, 5 days.
In my experience, once the doctor was assured that the pregnancy wasn’t ectopic, she put me on a “normal” schedule just like any woman who hasn’t had an ectopic. I definitely appreciate this, though I am still worrying more than I might otherwise be!
Thanks for the info, jvthe! That’s helpful. I’m glad you heard the heart beat! I expect I’ll know more about what I can expect once I have my appointment with the obgyn on Thursday. I’ll be 8+1 then. I haven’t been to an obgyn yet, so everything from here on out is new to me.
I ended up at the ER on Sunday as I had some spotting on Saturday. So I did get a scan, and now know that it is in the right place (and the heart was beating!), so I expect I’ll be on the regular schedule as well. I still have my early scan booked for next Friday (9+2), so I’ll ask the doctor if he still wants me to go, now that I already had an early scan.
My symptoms have also been decreasing. It worries me as well. Maybe that can be normal? Who knows. I think now I’m worrying more as a woman who has had a miscarriage than a woman who has had an ectopic. The ectopic is ruled out this time, but no guarantees on the other! Fingers crossed and taking one day at a time.
Lilykedd, so sorry that you had to go to the emergency for bleeding, but glad there was a silver lining in that you got some reassurance that he/she is in the right place! I can’t imagine what it is like to have lived through a miscarriage as I’ve not had that experience, but I know that I worry about the possibility all the time. Good luck on your scan tomorrow!
Re: symptoms, I’ve read in a couple other forums that sometimes symptoms start to fade at 8-9 weeks, as the placenta takes over, so I’ve comforted myself with this information (and the fact that I never had terrible symptoms before, nor have I had any morning sickness). But there’s no doubt that a scan/heartbeat reading is the most comforting thing of all!
Yes, it will be nerve wracking at each appointment as I go forward (God willing that I keep going forward) to hear if there is still a heartbeat. There’s still 5 weeks left in the first trimester, and that’s a lot of time…
But as I was walking today, I was thinking about last year and my ectopic, and how scary that was. Regardless of what happens, I am so happy that this is not a repeat of that.