My story

I’ve just joined here and this is my first post :!:

I had a miscarriage in November 2014 at 7 weeks pregnant, I decided after speaking to midwives that I would have a natural miscarriage so that I could be in the comfort of my own home. It was a horrible thing to happen and getting over it was a struggle.

Myself and my partner tried again and I found out I was pregnant again in February 2015. I was referred to the early pregnancy unit as I had been bleeding and because I had previously had the miscarriage. I went for the scan and was told there was no sign of a baby in my womb and had to attend for regular blood tests to check hormone levels.

I asked numerous times if it could be ectopic as it felt totally different to the miscarriage I had suffered previously and was always told no, it was probably an early miscarriage. I was at home on the 13 April when I was hit with this excruciating pain and I called the EPU for advice, I was told to have a cup of tea and take some paracetamol!!!

I could not take the pain any longer and was driven to the hospital only to discover my right tube had ruptured and I was bleeding internally, so it was Infact an ectopic pregnancy! I was rushed to surgery and had it removed.

I’m now not sure we’re I go from here. I was told it’s likely I would have another one, so I’m scared of even trying. I’m also still trying to get over what has happened!

Good to meet you all and hear your stories xx

Hi. I am really sorry for what you have been through. I just wanted to give you hope that you can get pregnant again. I too had ectopic and left tube removal in August and here I am almost 7 weeks pregnant. I had a scan at 5 weeks to make sure it was in the right place and am goin back next week to see if there is a heart beat. When I got pregnant this time I convinced myself it was another ectopic as I had similar pains however I was comforted that there was no bleeding. I know It’s still early days for me and even now am having ups and downs as am so scared to be happy incase something else goes wrong.

Just wanted to say that it is possible to get pregnant again and I really hope it happens for you soon and you get a happy ending. Xx

After reading your story i am angry for you. I had similar situation with being told wrong information but not to same degree. I cant believe that did not even consider ectopic. Agh

I am sorry for what you have gone though. Before you make any decisions maybe talking ti a different doctor may help?

I appreciate tou sharing your story.

Hi there x

Sorry to read that you have been through this too :frowning: It is so terrible that this seems to be a far too frequent occurrence and that is why charities like this are so so important- women need to be able to identify they signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, and feel empowered (cliché, sorry) to speak up (although, you actually did all of these things bless you, and weren’t listened to which makes it all the more unnecessary and frustrating and traumatic for you xxx)

I had a similar experience in that last week I phoned 999 for an ambulance on the Tuesday and the Thursday and both times was told that I “didn’t need” an ambulance (being a nurse myself I felt embarrassed, guilty and ashamed, as though I was being a nuisance and a general drain on recourses) but to wait for an out of hours GP to phone instead. The one on Tuesday told me to visit my GP, which I did same day and she told me it was likely to be mid cycle pain but to phone 999 if it happened again, and the one on Thursday told me that he was sorry the control room wouldn’t send an ambulance and to take myself to A+E and tell them he had sent me instead. And the rest of my story is pretty much the same as yours- had scan which showed an ectopic pregnancy and internal bleeding, had the surgery and right tube removed.

I am astounded by the number of ladies who’s concerns have been dismissed, whether they are able to identify that they may be having an ectopic pregnancy or not.