Mixed emotions and too many questions

Hi everyone,

So I’m 23 and found out I was pregnant at the beginning of Feb with my first baby… within a week I was in hospital every 48 hours getting my bloods done. On Valentine’s day my ectopic was confirmed and I should have been approx 7 and half weeks. I was treated with methotrexate which didn’t work and my hcg levels increased a lot more. I keep thinking I should have waited before I went to the hospital, maybe I was earlier than I thought and the baby would have been okay? Could they have got it wrong?

My hcg levels did not return to 0 for another month and they finally dropped last week. I feel selfish but I was so happy as all I can think is I should have had a 12 week scan now yet I’ve been waiting and waiting for my body to get back to normal… should I have been happy? I don’t know.

However everyone seems to be pregnant at the minute and I can’t help but get jealous. Again me being selfish… it’s not that I’m not happy for anyone else but I just wish I could have saved my baby somehow.

I’m ready to start a family but petrified for the future incase it happens again.

Thanks for reading my rant

Lorna. I wanted to offer support like you did me. My first ectopic ruptured and I loss my tube that was my first experience of being pregnant. My next pregnancy turned out to be my beautiful daughter Amalie. I’ve had 2 more ectopics since then 1 with just methotrexate and the last both meth and surgery. I know what you mean 're wanting to wait. I was in and out all week for blood as they weren’t sure where it was. I wasn’t happy deciding until they knew as i was worried they just couldn’t see it as too early. Eventually they were pretty certain it was in the remainder of my right tube that had been partially removed first time round. What I’m saying is you can still have a successful pregnancy after an ectopic and secondly at 7 weeks you made the right decision any longer and you could’ve ruptured. It’s hard I know as every time I’ve had a loss either my best friend or sister in law have announced to me that they’re pregnant. It’s even harder when you don’t have any children. 2 of my friends have lost both tubes and have gone on to have IVF babies. Hang in there it will happen one way or another you still have your tubes so that’s a great start xxxx

Dear Lorna93,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss.

When we experience ectopic pregnancy we are suddenly faced with a life threatening emergency and it’s treatment, reduction in fertility, concerns about the future and the loss of our babies. Experiencing any one of these is an ordeal, putting them together is immense and all of your feelings are completely normal. It is completely normal to feel up and down. I remember feeling a mix of emotions when my hCG levels retuned to normal. Happy that I would not longer have to return for my blood tests, there was no longer a risk of rupture and I could look forward to trying again. I was however heartbroken that my pregnancy had ended and scared about trying again.

Clare11203, is also right in that ectopic pregnancy is life threatening and delaying treatment could’ve been detrimental to your own health. Doctors do make decisions in their patients best interests so please be gentle with yourself and try not to dwell on decisions made.

While generally it is possible to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy, the amount of time it takes varies from couple to couple. Factors include age, general health, reproductive health and how often you have sex, among other things. It may be comforting to know that 65% of women are successfully pregnant within 18 months of experiencing an ectopic pregnancy and some studies suggest this rises to around 85% after two years. Also the chances of a further ectopic after a first in UK is 10%. So that’s 90% chance of the embryo being in right place next time.

Importantly early scans avail. As soon as you know you are pregnant, contact your local EPU to inform them and book in for an early scan at around six weeks. Remind them of your previous ectopic pregnancy. This self refer route is the best route in our view. Hopefully you will have some comfort to know you are under the radar of medical professionals right away.

We often hear from many women who struggle with news about pregnancy from their friends and families. This is very normal and I was the same after my loss. When I had my ectopic pregnancy I had to attend a family function and a close family member was heavily pregnant. I spent the whole day and evening avoiding her as I found it too hard to be near her. It’s what I needed to do to get through the day and have some space and please protect your heart in whatever way you need. This does not make us “bad” people and it is possible to be happy for those around us while grieving for our own loss. Pregnancies and babies can be a very stark reminder of what could have been and it can be painful. Please do be gentle with yourself and you can talk to us whenever you need

Regarding trying again, can i gently remind you that with Methotrexate, you should wait until your hCG levels have fallen to below 5mIU/mL (your doctor will advise you when this is through blood tests) and then take a folic acid supplement for 12 weeks before you try to conceive. This is because the Methotrexate may have reduced the level of folate in your body which is needed to ensure a baby develops healthily. The Methotrexate is metabolised quickly but it can affect the quality of your cells, including those of your eggs and the quality of your blood for up to three months after it has been given. The medicine can also affect the way your liver works and so you need to give your body time to recover properly before a new pregnancy is considered. A shortage of folate could result in a greater chance of a baby having a neural tube defect such as hare lip, cleft palate, or even spina bifida or other NT defects. This is why the “wait” and then taking folic acid for 12 weeks before trying to conceive is so important.

Making the decision to begin trying to conceive is an emotional rollercoaster compounded by our sad loss. Again, you are not alone. We here emotional support whenever you need us. There is a specific preparing for your next Pregnancy board you can look at too whenever feel ready.

Sending much love,

Karen x

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?

Further information is available at www.ectopic.org.uk

Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.

Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.

Thank you so much for your reply!! Xxx


Reading your post was just as if I had written it myself </3 I am 25, confirmed my first pregnancy on 25/02 (at around 5 weeks) and by the following weekend I was in a&e - which was then followed by 48hourly bloods for what seemed like forever. It didn’t take long to confirm the pregnancy was of unknown location and on 23/03 I had the methotrexate injection. Since I started bleeding on 04/03 and have pretty much not stopped since :frowning: apart from 5 days clear before the injection, then just before the injection it started up again. I was discharged from the EPU on 03/04 as levels had returned below 25 - I thought I’d stopped bleeding this weekend and then Tuesday I’ve started up again, which they say is probably my period :frowning: it’s extremely heavy and I just feel so fed up. We should’ve had our 12 week scan this week or next and I cannot help but feel so robbed :cry:

We were so excited to start a family and now I am just terrified. Feel free to message me or anything if you need to talk. Sorry for the essay xxx

I’m so sorry to hear this chick and think this is very similar to me. Time is a healer and we will get there. It’s the little things that get to us when you least expect it :-/

I think one of the worst is people saying your young and have plenty of time when actually that’s just not the point!

I’m starting to feel better although my partner went to see a councillor as he was avoiding talking about it and working a lot of overtime when I really needed him home. The councillor now wants to see me as well and I feel very strange about it as I know I’ll be okay but i don’t think it’s going to help me, I’m not sure.

I hope you are okay sweet, look after yourself xxx