Hi everyone,
I’m very new to these forums so I hope I get this right!
I found out I was pregnant for the first time around 4 weeks ago. That same week I found myself in a&e having emergency surgery to remove my right tube. I barely had time to even take in that I was pregnant so of course still feeling very much in shock, hormonal and worried.
I am absolutely terrified what this holds for me in the future. I desperately want babies and I find it hard to understand how I could be at risk of this happening again given that the doctors found no issues with the removed tube. Surely this means my left tube is good?
I spend hours a day googling success stories which do give me some hope but naturally I am a worrier so I am also always thinking of the worst.
My other concern is the 6 week early scan I have been promised if I become pregnant again. As previously my tube had ruptured at 5 weeks, I am worried 6 weeks is too late for me.
Has anyone had a similar experience or worries to share? X
Pretty similar to my experience so just wanted to offer you some support. Had emergency surgery on Weds and now home recovering well with a million emotions running through me!! I also had tube removed, they said remaining one was fine to ttc in future but I’m not sure how I feel about that- I have a 3 1/2 year old and desperately want him to have a sibling but right now I’m so scared after what I’ve been through.
Can anyone tell us about successfully conceiving after having a tube removed with EP and how u felt until you found out everything was growing in right place?
Thanku xx
Hi Beeze26,
That you for your reply!
Sorry to hear this happened to you too, but don’t worry I am now 4 weeks post surgery and I promise you will start to feel yourself soon.
I just wanted to take a minute to share my story with you to give you some hope. I remember searching for hours myself to find some success stories and hope for the future. After bleeding in early pregnancy I went in for an ultrasound and found it could be eptopic.I spent weeks after getting blood work and two doses of methotrexate. A week after my last dose I started feeling pressure I’m my rectum.Never one sided pain but it got worse so I went on to ER and ended up internally bleeding and having my tube removed. I was terrified of it happening again. Around five months later I got a positive pregnancy test.I lived in fear it was happening again. I went immediately and had blood drawn every other day three separate occasions and the hcg was rising so they told me I did not need to come in until 7 weeks.That wait was tough because I would feel pains in my side and rectum. I went in today and saw baby in just the right spot with a healthy heartbeat. Doctor reminded me some pain in the side is completely normal. I just wanted you to know a healthy pregnancy is still possible after tube removal with lots of prayer! Hope this helps!