Hi all,
I had emergency surgery for my ruptured ectopic at the beginning of September this year. After being scared of not being able to get pregnant again after losing one of my tubes, I have now found out I am pregnant again. I was surprised to get pregnant so quickly as it took us a year to get pregnant initially… I started tracking my ovulation this time and think that must have made a difference. I am petrified of things going wrong again, I will be calling the EPAU this week as was told I would need to have a scan at 6 weeks if I got pregnant again. It feels like the next couple of weeks are going to feel like a life time. I feel so sensitive of every little twinge since my op. I’m not letting myself get excited about being pregnant… I’m really trying not to think about it but it is constantly on my mind… I am so scared of going through the same thing again its such a mixture of emotions of feeling lucky to be pregnant to absoute fear of it being ectopic again. I would love to hear some positive stories to get me through the next couple of weeks if anybody has one?
Thank you,