so basically just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and what to do in this situation? happy but scared and feel let down…
So heres my story, I’m 25, my first pregnancy was in November 2015 however this turned out to be ectopic. It was an awful experience I was in agony and sent home by doctors several times who did not seem to believe me how much pain I was in this went on for a week with 3 visits to walk in centre and a&e resulting in the ectopic rupturing at just over 5 weeks and I had internal bleeding and needed emergency surgery to have my left tube removed.
Found out two days ago that I am pregnant again (4 weeks and 3 days today) however I contacted my doctors surgery to try and get a doctors appointment because I was told if I was to fall pregnant again I would be given an earlier scan and also I am very concerned it will just be left if it happens again and I will lose my other tube.
The receptionist at the doctors asked me how far along I was then showed a complete lack of concern and refused to give me an appointment and a doctor will call me today at 3pm however I am very sceptical and scared that they are not taking this seriously whatsoever. Basically I’m just terrified that I won’t find out until it is too late again.
Has anyone else had this experience and how can it be overcome, I just get the feeling no one is bothered and I can’t get the healthcare I need.
also on a side note I had an anti D injection just after my surgery for the tube removal I don’t know if this lasts? or if i need another urgently now I am pregnant again?
also I have no experience of “normal pregnancy” so every time i get a little twinge I’m freaking out slightly and don’t know what is normal if anyone can explain for me ? as in what pains you would usually get at this stage in a healthy pregnancy.
Then there is my partner who seems to just be getting annoyed with me worrying so much saying I should just be happy but its very difficult because I was happy but after calling the doctors surgery all I can think of is another nightmarish experience where things go wrong and no one believes me until its too late again.
Thanks for taking time to read such a long post and any help lol
also I might be clutching at straws here but last time when I had an ectopic I had bleeding when my period had been due and a=only had very faint bfps 4 days after, this time i had a strong bfp on the day my period was due and have had a clear blue digital that was 2-3 weeks it came up this is a good sign right?
Just an update for anyone who reads this/ has any advice my doctor called and refused to give me any scan, blood tests or even a face to face appointment. I’m literally a mess and scared to death right now and feel like why am I being denied basic healthcare that could stop me from becoming ill
I just had a tubal rupture in my right tube on June 25 and emergency surgery to remove the tube on June 26. I had my follow up appt July 9 and my doctor told me as soon as I got a positive pregnancy test that I would need to call and have an appt scheduled and that they would give me weekly blood work and ultrasounds to make sure everything was going ok. Not sure why they are being that way? I would maybe get a second opinion from a different obgyn. I have not yet had my first AF since the surgery and I’m going to get an HsG test done on my other tube before we would start TTC again. I have endometriosis so maybe that’s why they told me to let them know as soon as I got a BFP. When my husband took me to the er after it ruptured they wanted to send me home after an hour on morphine and see if I felt better like they didn’t believe the pain I was in was that bad. I was vomiting and passing out! It wasn’t until I started having vaginal bleeding that they decided to take me back for an ultrasound. I understand the frustration you feel. I didn’t know I was even pregnant until they did the pregnancy test in the er. I get ovarian cysts with my endometriosis so I just thought the pain was from a cyst rupturing I would definitely talk to a different doctor if I was you!
Hi Confused, where do you live? I am in Leeds in UK and I was able to self refer to the local early pregnancy unit. I called them and explained about my ep in March as they had said to call as soon as I got an bfp. They were great and just booked in for when I will be 6w1 but said to call if I have any bad pain earlier. I have not even told the gp yet…
I have not had any twinges or anything yet but then I didn’t have any pain at all with ep and it was only found at 10 weeks when I had a bleed. I was lucky that they did the surgery before it ruptured. They were very surprised that it hadn’t!
Your response is very normal for any woman who has been through an ectopic. I hope it turns out to be in the right spot!
If it is in the right spot, you will likely feel twinges and such. You may feel more where you had your ectopic because there could be scar tissue there and as things grow, it pulls. At least that’s what I remember from early on this pregnancy. I also had a hard time with the doctors when I got my positive test. I didn’t end up getting an ultrasound booked until 9 weeks! I was terrified the whole time. I had some spotting at 7 weeks, so took myself in to the hospital and got a scan then, and they saw the heart beat in the right spot.
I’m sorry I can’t be more help. Sometimes, you just have to hope and pray and wait. Keep calling to see if you can get in for some blood testing at least, or an early scan, but if not, trust your body and if you have any signs of ectopic, make sure to get yourself seen, even if you need to go to the emergency room.
Thanks for all the responses guys I’m going to try and call the epu in my area tomorrow as I’m around my siblings at the mo who don’t know as they’re all kids and see if I have any luck! Just very frustrating I haven’t had any really bad pains but I’ve continued to get the twinges just hoping it will pass / not get worse before I get some kind of scan or something
Thanks to everyone that helped I ended up going to my local walk in centre who were very helpful and sent me to the hospital. Was a very long night including fasting just in case but they did all the tests and saw the sac in the right place on an ultrasound. Everyone there was really understanding and said to come back straight away if I have any more worries and I’ve got another scan booked in 2 weeks to just double check that they can see the fetal pole by then so fingers crossed thanks again everyone.
Confused7 I just read ur posts. Sorry to hear u were going through so much stress with ur preg. I know how scary n frustrating it can be… After having a miscarriage at 11 wks, followed by an ectopic / miscarriage at 7 wks I was so scared when got preg this 3rd time n I remember having groin pain n cramps in belly n legs n pain on my right side of my ovaries wen I was 4/5 wks preg n I was so worried. I reffered my self to epu n at 6+2 wks preg I was giving a scan n was relieved to hear all was well.
Now after 4 scans im 31+4 wks preg n all is going well.
I’m so pleased for u that ur scan went well n ur baby’s sac is in the right place.
When is ur next scan ? How far are u now?
Good luck for your next scan. I hope all will be well n ur taking care of urself.
Fingers crossed for u and im sending you positive vibes n prayers.