Hi ladies,
How are you all? I thought I’d start off the March thread…
So, I’m back to TTC this month… We got married last weekend! So I took a tablet to delay AF as was due on the wedding day, and we took Feb off from trying. But back to it now and expecting to O in a couple of weeks…
My due date would have been around now for my EP so has been difficult but we had the wedding which took my mind off things…
How’s everyone else doing? Xx
Congratulations on the wedding, Hayley! That’s definitely something positive to focus on!
Wow, congratulations
In the same boat, I was due at end of Feb in relation to my ep
Ttc this month, on clomid, so currently in my 2ww.
Good luck!
Thanks ladies!
I have reaalllly long cycles of 37-38 days so don’t expect to O for a couple of weeks yet… fingers crossed though!
Good luck Pixiechops - when are you going to test?! xx
Hi all, I’ve been reading these forums for a couple of months but not posted yet. I had my left tube removed following ruptured ectopic in December, seems I was quite unlucky to have ruptured as I was only 4 weeks and had only found out I was pregnant 2 days before. It was our first month of ttc and the fact we were successful was a shock so the ectopic really knocked us for six. So now we finally feel ready to try again and I’m in the tww. Never felt this impatient before, as last time I had no expectations it would happen that quickly. Role on 12 days time.
Welcome Mrs K… sorry you’ve had to find us and you’re in this position, but pleased you are back to trying and fingers crossed for this month…
My situation was similar to yours… I came off the pill in May last year and expected months of trying. In fact, we didn’t even realise we had fallen pregnant within a couple of weeks, as hadn’t even really tried when I had my EP. When it came to trying again, I had to wait 3 months as was treated with methotrexate so completely understand you being ready now… unfortunately I suffered a miscarriage (nothing related to the EP so please do not worry). We tried again in January, but no luck and have had a break while we got married. Back to it now though and am desperately trying not to stress about it but it’s so hard!
Will you wait until AF is late before you test?? xx
Probably won’t be able to resist! Last time I tested positive 5 days before AF was due, took the test cos my symptoms were so strong, sore boobs, nausea etc and was surprised it was positive so early. I’m already on high alert for any symptoms but I suspect I may be disappointed this month, I’m not sure our timings were that great. We’ll see. So sorry of hear you’ve been through such a rough time, fingers crossed for this month.
Fingers crossed for you…
Thanks - it’s been a rough year but we are getting there and feeling positive now…
So AF must be due next week for you… hopefully it won’t arrive!! xx
Hi there everyone…
So here we go ahead this month… Trying and hoping!
I have a question for you… Already posted it on main board but will also post here. I had tube removed erc 2015. So March is a second proper month trying. Last month and this month (now) I feel very bad ovulation pain on my bad side. I know it is ovulation pain as the timing is right, I get ewcm and positive opks. However, I’m worried that since I’m getting the pain on the bad side it means I’m ovulation for from this side too! I hope I don’t just ovulate from the bad side each month as that would mean my chances of getting pregnant have decreased significantly.
Do any of you have any experience with this or have read or heard anything related to it?
Sorry for all the typos in previous message.
By the way im on cd20 and just got first smiley of the month yesterday and another today. So naturally we are getting down to it the last couple of days and for the next couple of days … Quite exhausting and puts a lot of pressure on things. Never thought trying to have a baby world be so much work. :roll:
Hi Sue,
Good luck this month - you’re right it really is hard work! Is this your first month back trying? My understanding is that even if you have a tube removed, if you ovulate from that side, your other tube can sometimes pick the egg up… To be honest, I was treated with MTX so I’m not 100% sure but I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere…
MrsK how are you getting on?!
I started using the OPK at home on Tue. I expect to O mid week next week, but been having a bit of ovulation pain and some EWCM… and got a smiley face today! It is the dual hormone one so would normally get a flashing face for a couple of days but it went from low fertility to peak (no high in between) - has anyone else had this??
Hi. I’m ok, due af on 21st so will probably test over the weekend. Don’t really know how I’m feeling, have been nauseous this week but to be honest that could be anxiety about the situation. Fingers crossed. I’ve never used the opk so can’t advise, sorry.
Good luck this weekend MrsK… Let us knew how you get on xx
So no sign of af yet but also 2 negative tests, no idea what’s going on as I’ve been pretty regular. Feels like af is being a bit cruel leading me on. Now worried that I didn’t ovulate so no cycle. Anyone else had periods suddenly becoming irregular? Hatley hiw are you getting on?
Hi MrsK, sorry to hear you’re getting BFNs and no AF. When was it due? It’s so cruel that you don’t have a definite answer… maybe your levels are just a bit too low for a test yet. Have you used the sensitive ones?
I’m ok - have been having a nightmare with the OPK. I got a static smiley indicating peak fertility last week. Decided to carry on testing anyway and now have had flashing smiley indicating high fertility for the last 4 days. Assume I will actually ovulate today/tomorrow which is when I would have expected to…and then I’ll be into the TWW… My cycles are so long
Fingers crossed for you MrsK… will you test again? xx
Just seen this thread, it’s weirdly nice to see other people trying at the same time as us, when we are in the same boat. I went through an ectopic last month and ended up needing surgery. They said we could try again straight away. Had AF two weeks after surgery and then got a positive on an ovulation test 9 days after AF (17th March). From the day I ovulated right till now I have been having pretty bad pains in my stomach, lower back and the odd twinge in my chest. Also feeling really really tired. I have done a pregnancy test tonight but it’s negative. Not sure what these pains are though, I though ovulation pain would only last a day or two? I would have thought that with ovulating on the 17th and being 13 days post ovulation if I was pregnant it would show as positive by now?
Good luck to you all this month, let’s hope at least one of us gets a positive!
Hi Harveyliz,
Maybe test again in a couple of days. If not, maybe a quick visit to the docs to work out what the pains are? Sorry you are going through it all and had your EP last month. I have fingers crossed for a BFP for you xx
Hi Harveyliz, I’m on day 42 of cycle and have only just tested positive this morning. So keep everything crossed and test again in a few days.