Hello Ladies,
Just having my 3rd AF after the ep in June and looking forward (also terrified) to trying again. So my first time on the TTC thread and I thought I’d start the post off. Wishing everyone lots of luck xx
Hello Ladies,
Just having my 3rd AF after the ep in June and looking forward (also terrified) to trying again. So my first time on the TTC thread and I thought I’d start the post off. Wishing everyone lots of luck xx
Thanks Aric, I’m really sorry for your loss and admire your courage for starting the journey again. Our EP was 2 years ago and I remember how lovely and terrifying it was starting TTC again. Best wishes to you and all the rest of you lovely ladies! Thankyou for your continued support through this pregnancy. XX
Hi Chez,
Many thanks. I must admit I’ve been following the ttc posts for the last couple of months and have been so pleased to read about your twins. I hope you’re getting to enjoy this pregnancy now (I often feel sad that the innocence of pregnancy joy is gone for us). You’re an inspiration and source of hope for me and many other ladies I’m sure.
I’m really hoping that this time (after miscarriage and ep) we’ll get lucky.
All the best to you and of course to everyone out there. xx
Good luck to all those ttc this month and those undergoing investigations etc. My thoughts remain with you all
Hope things going ok bec.
Chez good to hear from you, hope your twins are growing well. Have you felt them move now?
And an update from me. I’m now 32 weeks and fast approaching the start of my maternity leave. Little boys desperate for baby brother to arrive!! I’ve found this week quite tough as it’s exactly one year since my ectopic. I feel like I want to do something to mark the occasion but not sure what.
Hi ladies!
Very new to all this but been reading all your post the past few weeks. Not quite sure what all the shorthands mean just yet either.
My ectopic was the end of June this year and we are again TTC.
I have 3 children already but have found myself struggling with others comments since they have learned I was pregnant and it was ectopic. Not sure if anyone else had experienced negativity about having more children? I have had people telling me well I have three so should just leave it at that.
I know we are truly blessed with our beautiful children, but I don’t feel like I have finished! Does anyone feel the same? We are both young still, me 29 hubby 32. We both work, I am a nurse I work part time and I enjoy my job. But I love being a mummy and being one of seven I love the business of a large family.
I had surgical management of my ectopic and had my left tube removed. I have been told the right still looks healthy. I just feel anxious that I may never become pregnant again. I found this page looking for some answers and now believe there is hope for me from reading all the inspiring posts.
Wishing all those TTC also this month lots of luck and hope there is some good news for us in the future!
Welcome Aric and Moreton. This forum has been a salvation for me,I know I can come here with any silly question, heartbreak moment, or just to share a funny story. Everyone is welcome and embraced. Moreton, I am yet to have my first child… While I agree that you are truly blessed to already have three children, I feel very strongly that for anyone who wants to have a baby, child-free or not, the pain of loss and the power of that desire is the same for everyone, and no-one should tell you to ‘be happy with what you’ve got’. Your desire is just that… yours. No-one else’s. I hope that very soon you get your little bean.
butterflyrose, so lovely to hear from you. I can’t believe it, you’re almost there! I’m so, so happy for you. Are you well?
I’m feeling incredibly confused this morning, and I need your thoughts. I’ve been having dizzy/ lightheaded spells accompanied by nausea for about six weeks now. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, I thought it too, but I had af bang on time on 14th Aug (3 weeks ago), and I think I even did a test the day before af just out of habit. Plus, as I said before, me and hubby have avoided my ov this month because we wanted to wait until we see the consultant at the end of the month. So I went to the docs on Thursday to talk about my dizziness/ nausea. She was a locum, lovely lady, she took my blood pressure, twice! All fine. Looked in my ears, also fine. Ordered full blood count, thyroid test, diabetes test, some other stuff just for good measure. Even ordered me an ECG! So I left thinking, hey, at least I’ve got it covered! The next day she actually called me (the veterans among you will know I am not used to my doctor actively seeking me out to give me advice) and said that she had seen on my records that I was having fertility issues, and he one thing we didn’t consider yesterday was the possibility of pregnancy. I said I’m way ahead of you, and had thought of that, but explained the dates and stuff. She said that’s fine, and I thanked her for being so considerate. Then this morning I thought, better do one just to be sure… Positive. No squinting, holding up to light. Just a plain positive. So (stay with me ladies… the detail is relevant I promise)… I’m only 10 dpo, the nearest we did it to ov this month was 5 days before, and my dizziness/ nausea has been happening way longer than I could have been pg. Also, I’m now panicking because I haven’t taken any folic acid for a couple of months now as we agreed not to try until we’d seen consultant. As usual I’m dreading the next few days as this is when I usually start bleeding and realise I’ve had a chemical.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Redfairy - thanks for the welcome. It is such a welcoming, supportive, and funny forum. It makes a great deal of difference being able to speak to such a wonderful group of strong and wise women.
Moreton, I agree with Redfairy, although I have yet to have a child I know that the desire is powerful and I imagine that it’s the same whether you have no child or 20 (well maybe a bit less if you have 20! ). But seriously, it is no one else’s business and I can’t see that having children would make the pain of the loss any less intense. Here’s hoping all our desires come true soon.
Redfairy - I wanted to come back to your current situation. (Whispered congratulations.) It is a strange one. There is so much talked about sperm being able to last for 5 days so perhaps that is a possibility but as you say you’re symptoms have been going on longer. It could be that old medical catch all, a coincidence. My other thought is could you be pregnant from your previous cycle and the period you had in-between was ‘implantation’ (this happened to my sister-in-law and she’s got a beautiful little one now)? Finally, I don’t want to worry you but because I think you probably would prefer honesty, there is a similarity between what you describe and my ectopic. I had a normal af in April then we tried April/May in May the day before af was due I took a preg test which was negative. We went away and I got my af (it was lighter than normal in retrospect), once it finished I realised I felt odd and took a test on what was prob CD 10 or 11 and it was strong positive (I started bleeding again the next day or so). As I said I have only shared my story in case it helps in anyway and it is certainly the last thing I hope is happening to you now.
There are differences in our stories of course and as I said my symptoms had been very similar to my sister-in-law’s who had been successfully pregnant. I’m sorry it’s not straight forward at the moment. Wishing you all the best for a good outcome. xx
Aric, thank you so much for the advice. I do appreciate honesty and I have to say I was thinking along the same lines as what you describe. Why does this always happen on a weekend when the docs are closed? I think I’ll test again Monday morning and go to docs if still positive.
Still feel nauseous, but not really dizzy so much. Eugh, I really don’t like this bit xxx
Hi Redfairy, I’m glad I didn’t offend you. My miscarriage and ep happened at the weekend it’s infuriating. If you have an out of ours gp that could be an option but usually they’re pretty useless. I have everything crossed for you that this time it’s all ok. As we know so-called normal pregnancies can have all sorts of weird beginnings.
Glad the dizziness has eased. I’ll be thinking of you and of course please let us know how you get on. xx
Thank you Aric.
Update: Just ran out and bout a digital hpt… Pregnant 1-2. So I guess if I’m 10dpo that would be about right? Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies. I think I’ll try the out of hours now xxx
Oh yes it could all fit. Hopefully it’s a case of when you’re deliberately trying not to get pregnant you do! Fingers crossed xx
Hi ladies, joining this thread as AF got me this morning. This will be our second month TTC after the ectopic in June.
Chez - so happy to hear all is going well. Are you managing to relax at all yet?
Redfairy - I am keeping everything crossed for you, whispered congratulations! Sticky bean thoughts to you!
Aric, Moreton & butterflyrose - good luck with your cycle TTC this month, I’m right there with you!
Thanks Emma. Sorry to hear she got you. Try my method… Try NOT to get pg! :lol:
Hi Emma, sorry to hear that your AF arrived. Hopefully September is the month all round! xx
Hello ladies
It’s lovely to hear some good news I wish everyone the best of luck.
I’m waiting for my af to arrive, and iv took about a million tests all bfn which I’m not suprised as I new I missed my fertile period due my dd breaking her leg a week before we were due on holiday! Never been so stressed lol.
This will be my 2nd month of trying and this have not happened before as both pregancy as both times I have got pregnant was 1st month of trying I’m going to drive my husband mad buying all these tests lol
I wish everyone the best of luck for this month fingers crossed!!
So, just spoke to OOH gp. He thinks it more likely my ‘period’ 3 weeks ago was an implantation bleed with my symptoms having lasted so long. I told him about the digital today saying only 1-2, and he said not to pay too much attention to what they say! He said that I should take some comfort in that I had a bleed but have continued on with pg. He said no reason to take any immediate action over the weekend but I should get in touch with my gp on Monday morning. So I’m gonna try and relax, enjoy the fact that right now I have a bean of some description and milk it with hubby. I showed him the test when he came in from work… His face was a picture! He said, ‘when the @£%& did that happen?!’.
Oh good, I’m glad the doc has been able to give you some peace of mind. Brilliant reaction from hubby and you’re quite right milk it! Feet up and cups of tea and cake are in order I think. What a lovely surprise this could turn out to be.
Everything is crossed this end. xx
Hey ladies,
I hope you’re all doing well.
I’m joining the September bandwagon and wish you all best of luck.
After my EP at beginning of June, we followed the recommendations given here and waited for my first 2 cycles post-op before trying. I haven’t used any ovulation kit but have been keeping track of my cycles for timing purposes. The last 2 were bang on time and I’m due for next AF in about 4 days.
Thing is my boobs have been killing me and they usually never do, be it around ovulation or when AF comes to visit. The only time they hurt like this is when I was pregnant. I haven’t been keeping track of when my husband and I had sex so couldn’t tell you if we did it during my fertile window. I had decided when we started TTC that I couldn’t bear obsessing about dates etc as when I do start obsessing about something, it can eat my brain and I can’t function anymore!
I’m also not bothered about drinking alcohol when I usually very rarely say no to a glass of wine or a G&T!
I know chances are AF will show up right on time but I can’t help wondering. I know I could buy a test and know for sure one way or another but I’m just terrified of what it’ll say. Does that make sense?! I can’t wait to finally start our family but knowing what happened last time, I’m terrified of the pregnancy going wrong again. I can’t bring myself to test… I think I’d rather wait for AF to show up.
Am I crazy to feel like this?
Hello Leslie
I was wondering how you were getting on as I have been away for a while. I remember we are practically the same in time frame in this whole ordeal. I wish I was more like you in just leaving things alone and letting everything just taken its own course!
I have it in my head that if I find out I’m pregenat before af then it will be ok and if I find out after af is due then it will be ectopic.
Is this crazy?? Lol
I have taken too many tests and wasting money.
I also keep getting bad lower back pain and I had this with ectopic so I’m panicking that I’m having an ectopic pregnacy again even though all the tests are bfn!!!
Wish I could stop worrying
Hey Cobblers,
Good to hear from you!
I’m sorry to hear times have been hard for you. I think after going through this experience, we will always worry about anything pregnancy related. Any twinges, any pain will scare us to death and it’s totally human! We all have different ways of dealing with it.
Maybe I should just buy one of those digital tests on Monday and just stop wondering…