March TTC Thread

So another month is upon us, and for some it brings lots of staying strong, others it’s a lot of TTC and for a few hopefully they will get the fantastic news that they have a little bundle of joy on the way.

But what ever happens I wish you all the best in everything.

I will be carrying on all my fertility tests and hope for some good news.

Lots of baby dust to you all xx

Hi guys

Hope everyone is getting on well

Im in my fertile period atm and have come down with a nasty viral infection :frowning: cant imagen being able to perswade hubby to come near me as i look icky. Tho the doc i saw today over it said that along side some bloods they are doing theyll check my hormone levels

Sarrah x

So another month… after my period being late by a week last month and me completely freaking out about it, I am trying to remain calm somehow this month. I just booked myself in for my first acupuncture session next week. I need something “body and mind” to feel like I am doing something. I know it might not do anything in a physical way but i hope it will help me be calm. Good luck to everyone

MD the late period freak out I know well I once was so stressed about it my period didn’t come until day 43 and I sure it was phycosamatic, acupuncture wise a lot of peeps finds that it does really help so I hope it does some good for you

how is everyone getting on?

Hi girls, glad to hear we all freak out about the same things! Late periods mess with me too. I’m waiting for AF any day now actually and sneaking away for a camping trip with hubby to distract me.

We’re just using some natural treatments currently, and acupuncture (which I’ve found especially good) while we save for IVF. In the meantime I’ve had 7 friends tell me they’re pregnant since Christmas! So I’m trying to find sincere ways of congratulating them and expressing my kind wishes without feeling too overwhelmed by my own longings. It’s not easy but usually I hold it together then have a little cry afterwards. Cups of tea help! And you ladies, of course. XX

Hello all! I can finally join a ttc thread as our three month waiting period post-mtx finishes in two weeks :slight_smile: I’ve been having fertility tests, and all have been good so far. Just waiting for the hospital to call me to fix a date for HSG - and then we’re good to go! Excited and terrified!!

Welcolme jen to our little group i hope ur stay is a short one

I have used ovulation tests this month (last one today) and none where positive :-(( im really confused and fustrated, does this mean im not ovulating? Has anyone else expirenced this?

How is everyone else doing ?


Its very very very quiet here this month, I hoping that means everyone is doing good and getting some long over due BFPs.

But just wanted to say hi and I hope everyone is good

Sarah xx

Hello , wanting to start ttc soon… The doctor said when ever I was ready could ttc… Excited but really scared just want everything to go right… Ectopic pregnancy really upset we’re so excited when found out we we’re pregnant… Really hope it goes well for us… And hope all of you are ok xx

Hi ladies, it seems we’re all in the same boat here, hoping for a bfp and just keeping to ourselves a little this month. Hubby and I are going well, back to the naturopath while we save for IVF- and hoping we don’t need it!

I’ve used ovulation test kits recently and they’ve always given me a definitive result, so I suppose if they’re not working for you the Dr may request a day 21 progesterone blood test to more accurately assess whether you’re ovulating. That’s what my Dr has done in the past, anyhow.

All the best girls! X

Thanks for the advice I will go to the doc after my AF arrives and arrange, tho my hormone results apparently came back normal.

Chez what exactly does a naturopath involves?

Annie, welcome to our little group I hope your stay is short and you get the results that you want

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, I am currently doing everything to avoid doing my latest assignment however I have run out of washing and cleaning products, ohh and its due tmw :roll:

Sarah xx

Well af came early :cry: have a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge as a little pick me up

I hope everyone is getting better results


Good idea Shl- I’m doing the same! Hopefully we won’t be waiting too many more months, it’s sending me a little crazy!

How did your assignment go?

Hi all

Just thought I’d say hi so you know I’m still thinking of you all and still TTC. Good to see some new faces on here. This group is a massive support!

Didn’t really try so hard this month. Had one shot at the target so I’d be amazed if it’s happened. AF due at some point next week tho it’s not exactly regular so bit of a guessing game. I think I’m going to resort to the opks next month. I kind of resent some big company making money out of my fertility issues, but on the other hand…

Shl sorry your AF arrived already. I definitely think you should treat yourself :slight_smile:

Interested to hear about the acupuncture too. Is the theory that it opens stuff up so things can flow around nicely? I’ve only ever had acupuncture for back pain though I must say it seemed to help.

I managed to get some counselling through work. Work has been stressful recently and then I was getting stressed about getting stressed because of the effect on TTC. its crazy! It’s been helpful to learn some meditations to try and calm myself and ways to be kind to myself as I am highly critical of myself.

I also had a bit of a scare with some abdominal pain which I thought were gynae, but turns out I have suspected IBS. Then found out a colleague is pg. Then I got thrush (sorry tmi!) Seriously, the last month has been a barrel of laughs! I think I must be due some good luck.

Fingers crossed for everyone who’s still waiting.


Well I ended up drinking 3/4 of the bottle and half a bag of mint m&ms lol

Chez, I’m sorry we’re in the same boat I hope we wont have to wait much longer too. my last assignment I go 90% I was soooooo happy :smiley: still waiting for one back and am finishing my research project this week so busy busy busy.

Peacelilly so nice to hear from you, I used ov test this month to and too resent companies making money out of us

Shibhon, how are your tests going?

Sarah xxx

Great marks Sarah! I hope you do just as well on your next assignment. I’d love to study again, it’s on my bucket list!

Hubby and I are heading away for 10 days’ camping soon which I’m desperately looking forward to. Nothing recharges my batteries better.

Chez I’m glad that I did it it was one of the things I did after my ep and mmc, it really got me through having something to focus on and doing it distance learning help with work etc. I hope you have an amazing 10 days away

Went to the docs and well that was stressful grrrr, I had to really stand my ground, she didn’t want to do anything but send me away for six months, saying that I should relax stop trying so hard and using ov test, she didn’t see any issue with af starting so soon after ov (I ov on day 23 and af started day 31) but I managed to perswade her to give me the 21 day progesterone test (or in my case 23), but she did tell me to stop taking pregnicare as its making me have a metallic taste in my mouth so I’ve gone and brought some folic acid with vit d and some B6 so fingers crossed.

Sarah xx

Well done for standing your ground Sarah, it can be really hard to do when they make it so clear they want to get rid of you. I’m a bit ignorant when it comes to the test you’re taking - I will have to look it up. In any case I hope the results are the ones you want.

And great exam result!

Chez 10 days away is luxury! Hope you have a fantastic time and can forget about things a bit.

I tested last night (prob a bit early) bfn so far. Today I’ve been feeling sick which has given me hope but I think it’s more likely to be the blinkin thrush meds I’m on - ha a similar reaction last time. Am going to test again. Know it’s probably hopeless but worth a whirl.

Big hugs all, hope at least one of us is lucky this month.


Hey ladies,

It’s been a while since I’ve been on.

I’ve just been taking it easy, attending hospital every week for them to track my cycle.

This time we noticed my left ovarie was doing nothing, left tubes obv gone, my right overie was looking well, doing what it should… Then stopped!

So this month I didn’t ovulate! So don’t know if this is a regular thing or not!

Awaiting my appointment to have the dye put through my tube to see if the blockage has cleared they said I’m looking at after Easter. And that’s only a few weeks away.

Treated myself to a new car to keep my mind away from worrying about what my body’s not doing. And again that’s why I’ve staid off here it’s all so real when you sit typing it up!

Hope your all doing well and your TTC Is working well.

Lost of baby dust xx

Hello it’s been nearly 8 weeks since ectopic, had a period 4 weeks after. Had unprotected sex 12 days ago have been getting achey hips, my boobs are tingly and drinking a bit more than usual… Have been weeing a bit more… And tierd a bit. Could this be pregnancy symptoms?? Or is it too soon not sure what to think… My period is ment to b due sat… Any advice xx