Ok ladies, July’s here so I thought I’d kick start the board.
Wishing you all an abundance of baby dust, positivity, love and sunshine
Ok ladies, July’s here so I thought I’d kick start the board.
Wishing you all an abundance of baby dust, positivity, love and sunshine
Ooh exciting. Have just started ttc after surgery in April. Good luck everyone x
Hi tessbutterfly, welcome to the board. So sorry to hear of your work and surgery in April. Remember to be kind to yourself when you start ttc again. It can be an emotive experience, but know there is lots of support on here if and when you need it xx
Hi Tess & Countryside, all the very best this month. Tess take your time this month, be kind to yourself!
I’m still hanging around here despite being pregnant, but I really feel that you ladies understand the best. Hopefully we get another good scan result next week.
Thank you both! It’s mostly just nice not to have to actively try not to get pregnant!
Just got AF on the 1st of july which is for the month of june 4 month of trying n failed… keep comforting myself that it will happen soon. Good luck the rest of the ladies… May God bless you all…
Sorry to hear that nitha x
Hey ladies,
On to July we go… Let’s hope it brings us all good news.
Countryside, did you hear anything about your secondment?
Welcome Tess and nitha, wishing you all the very best
Hi nitha, try not to see it as failure, we are all on a journey, some of us will be on the journey langer than others (I’m on a longer journey then I initially hoped for too). Have a few treats over this weekend and pull support from you’re loved ones as well as on here. All the very best for your next cycle.
Hey redfairy - I found out today that I got the secondment! I am absolutely thrilled and surprised. Think it’s perfect timing with my hospital appointment approaching. My shoulders feel a little lighter tonight!
Chez please do keep coming and talking to us, I love your updates and hope we can continue to support you too
Congratulations countryside, that is really wonderful news! Less stress can only be a good thing right?
Nitha don’t be disheartened, I had my ep and lost my left tube in October last year.
Started trying again January and got really disheartened when it wasn’t happening, and I know it’s a cliche but when I stopped bothering about it I fell pregnant in April! And am currently 13 weeks.
It is hard but it does happen when you least expect x
Baby dust to you all, hope you all don’t mind me hanging around given that I am now pregnant x
Thanks Redfairy, im certainly looking forward to working in an area which isn’t so close to my own personal ttc journey. I start a phased move across in just 2 weeks too! Ah I’m so looking forward to it.
Te17, you’re always more than welcome. I love hearing success stories and hearing how you are through your pregnancy. Please don’t be a stranger xx
Sending you all loads of positivity strength and buckets of baby dust
hope the move at work all goes well countryside!!
Good luck for your next scan Chez!
Just dropped in to say hi & good luck to you ladies ttc.
Thanks MC! Hopefully we get some good news this month. I’m quietly pooing my pants over this next scan but I keep reminding myself that it will be what it will be regardless of how well or badly I do in the pregnancy stakes. Trying to do everything right is good but it’s no guarantee. I’m comforted that I still have pregnancy symptoms and no spotting or period style cramping, so that’s positive.
Can I ask a daft question, Countryside? What does it mean to apply (or get) a secondment? Something to do with moving house? I’m in Australia, sorry, so I’m a bit out of the loop! XX
I feel that way sometimes too chez. I had one scan at 7 weeks and everything was ok but still wonder if things are ok still.
Chez, all your describing about your pregnancy is so positive. Not long to go until you have your next scan. We are all thinking of you (and you to mc).
A secondment is an employment term where you change job role within your company for a set amount of time. So I will go and work for a different team manager and take on the work in those team, for a period of 12 months, after which I will return to the role I am in currently. Hope that makes sense
Nearly ready to join you girls just a few more weeks and I will probe be in august t t c, hope you are all well x
Hey te17 and mc… Lovely to hear from you and that everything is going well xxx
Cdandy, nice to chat with you again, though I’m sorry that what has happened has brought you back. How is your infection at the wound healing?
I’ve still not heard anything about my appointment with the specialist, but trying not to think about it too much really. I’ve decided if I’ve not had the letter through in a couple of weeks I’ll chase it up. Feeling really sicky today, usual sign of ov for me around now, but honestly feel like giving it a rest this month after what happened last month.
My house has become like doggy daycare today as I’m looking after my cousin’s pooch while she’s on hols, so have a nice furry companion to keep us occupied for a bit.
Baby dust and stuff xxx
Hi cdandy, lovely to hear from you again, not long until August, be kind to yourself.
Redfairy- doggy daycare sounds fun, what kind of dog are you looking after? Glad you have a plan in your mind regarding your specialist appointment. Hope you hear from them before you have to chose them. Go with your instinct if ttc is not feeling right this month then have a break, you had such a tough time last month you need to heal.