Started spotting at 16 dpo today and so thought I’d kick off the ttc July thread! Pretty gutted, but at least I ovulated… On to the next month!!!
Wishing everyone a successful cycle and lots of positivity!!!
Started spotting at 16 dpo today and so thought I’d kick off the ttc July thread! Pretty gutted, but at least I ovulated… On to the next month!!!
Wishing everyone a successful cycle and lots of positivity!!!
Hi Doodle!
I was wondering how you were today, I hope all is well!
I’m CD28 today, no sign of AF but have been having cramps for well over a week, I had a 27 day cycle last month and the month before EP ( before that I was on pill for 12 years) so this coupled with no sign of EWCM this cycle is making me think I maybe having an annovulary ( ignore rubbish spelling) cycle.
I’m defos not pregnant as using condoms for now due to MTX (3months up 16th July )
Hope to see af soon xx
Hi Doodle!
I was wondering how you were today, I hope all is well!
I’m CD28 today, no sign of AF but have been having cramps for well over a week, I had a 27 day cycle last month and the month before EP ( before that I was on pill for 12 years) so this coupled with no sign of EWCM this cycle is making me think I maybe having an annovulary ( ignore rubbish spelling) cycle.
I’m defos not pregnant as using condoms for now due to MTX (3months up 16th July )
Hope to see af soon xx
Hi Avis,
Feeling better today, have accepted AF is here for a while and can relax a bit! I am a bit worried though, as we’ve timed sex so well over the last two cycles since ttc and nothing! Fell first time with my ep, so I’m a bit disappointed. I’m worried my tube that had the ep in might be blocked and that’s why I haven’t conceived!?
Anyway, I know I haven’t been waiting long as my GP said it can take up to a year.
Do you temp, Avis? It’s by far the most useful thing I’ve done through ttc and has been accurate! I had a few annovulatory cycles after methotrexate and temping helped me to identify them. X
Hi everyone,
I’ve not visited this site for quite a while, but have been drawn back here a bit recently due to no luck with TTC.
Brief history:
EP left tube 2002 - tube removed.
EP right tube 2003 - tube saved.
Lap and dye test late 2003 - no chance of natursal conception and referred for IVF.
2004/2005 - split with my partner, spent some time on my own, then got together with my now husband.
2007 - totally unexpected pregnancy, naturally conceived without even thinking about it.
2008 my daughter was born.
So for the past 4 years we’ve been TTC for another baby with no luck. Had another dye test at the end of 2010 which showed my tube was clear, so no explanation as to why I haven’t conceived ( unless it’s blocked again more recently).
I’m now getting to the very frustrated point. My daughter constantly goes on about wanting a sibling and I feel so guilty that I can’t give her one. I’m also approaching my 36th birthday, so really don’t want to be trying for much longer.
On top of all that, since my second EP I get (not every month but most) really bad ovulation pains which make sex very uncomfortable.
So last night, CD14 and excruciating ovulation pains - dosed myself up on strong painkillers and we did the deed.
And the 2 week wait begins…
No I don’t temp, I’d been advised by GP and pregnancy loss counsellor that charting CM is more accurate and less stressful!
To be honest, i’m happy with sticking with this, I know that i haven’t ovulated due to no EWCM this month.
I’m thinking that annovulatory cycles can be the bodies way of protecting itself after EP, i’m sure my cycles will correct themselves, its only been 11-12 weeks since EP.
Sa-Bear congratulations on having a daughter after 2 EP’s and being told tubes blocked. It must be so frustrating to be told tube open but having no luck, I wish you all the best.
I’m thinking more and more that there’s a lot to be said for simply not thinking about TTC.
I’m going to have a break from the forums and thinking about it for a while, just take my conception vitamins and focus on being healthy.
Good Luck to everyone
Good L
AF is here, as soon as I stopped thinking about it :lol:
Good Luck Ladies wishing you all a happy summer
Hi Ladies! We’ve just returned from a week away camping which was a welcome relief from my overly stressed mind! I think that’s why I enjoy camping so much, it’s a break from reality.
Needless to say reality hit like a brick this morning as I begin yet another series of phone calls to find a new specialist and a GP who’ll make the referral. I’m grateful for the medical system in Aus however there is quite a rigmarole!
AF is in its way I think so we’re on for another month.
I’ve been temping but have found no significant change around ov and have had two cycles without ovulating recently also. Wow, I’m a little negative today- sorry!
I have found a friend down the road who has been through our journey and now has 4 children, so I’ve been spending time with her which really helps.
Sorry for the rant!
Never apologise for ranting. We all need to do it!! I hope things progress for you, and spending time with your friend sounds like a great idea.
I always find Sundays hard for some reason, and weekends too. I think it’s because I have more time to think! During the week I am so busy, it’s fine. I’m a little worried as I have six weeks holiday approaching and we can’t go away this year. So won’t have much to take my mind off ttc, I guess I’ll have to find something.
I feel your pain re not ovulating. I think I’ve ovulated three times since my ectopic, in January, and have had two definite anovulatory cycles which lasted 17 days! I’m frustrated, as I fell pregnant so quickly with ep… And now some months conceiving is impossible as no ovulation! No drs are interested.
My worry has shifted from having another ep, to now worrying that my tubes are blocked and I won’t ever conceive naturally. The dr laughed at this worry, but for me - it’s very real.
I’m looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow! Hope very one else is ok threads v quiet x
Hi girls,
Reading your posts always makes me realise i’m not alone. I had my ectopic back in Jan, Treated the mtx. For the past 4 weeks i have felt nausea, tiredness, loss of apetite (many signs of being pregnant), yet getting back negatives…has anyone else experienced this? I feel like i’m going mental. I have pcos so rarely have periods so thats not a clear sign either!! Been to the doc and she said to wait a couple more weeks, its the longest few weeks ever!! HELP xxx
Well, 2 days left of the dreaded 2ww and again it’s not looking good this month. After nearly 5 years I think it’s maybe time for me to step off this roller coaster, be grateful for what I have and call it a day
I have 4 days left until AF is due…feeling very frustrated as dont think its my month AGAIN…!! Can’t say we didn’t try as hard as poss this month so I am feeling so angry it hasn’t happened again. I know I have a few days of suspense left but I just don’t feel anything, certainly don’t feel pregnant and my mind is telling me it hasn’t happened. 7 months since ep and I can’t take it anymore!! The tww is the most anxious time I hate it hate hate hate it!!! Good luck ladies…x
The tww is so stressful, I hear you! My husband and I have often said to oneanother: “Is this worth the stress?” but we’re hanging in there at the moment. It’s so hard when the pre-menstrual symptoms are the same as early pregnancy! It’s so confusing and harrowing. That’s why we have to support oneanother.
I’m off to the Dr this week to see if I can get a new referral. Fingers crossed!
Much love.
Well ladies… After my little rant the other day today I tested 2 days before due and couldn’t believe it when I saw a very faint line on the test!! Did another one a and the line was more visible! I have my bfp!!! Tested with AU so will test again tomorrow with FMU…Soooo hope this little one is in the right place…good luck to all you ladies xx
All the best ginge! X
Thanks!! We are very happy but also very nervous after out first pregnancy in January this year being ectopic. I really feel different this time though. Have had cramps and really thought AF was coming but just feel different and have a good feeling although as i say still nervy. I was determined not to test but as like every month I couldn’t resist! I was so shocked when I saw the second line appear…! I just hope and pray all goes well and baby is safe where it should be. Wishing everyone the very best xx
Congrats Ginge!
Hoping everything goes well for u.
Did you do anything different this month when ttc? Xx
Thanks Avis…no nothing different just a lot more BD! My cycles are very regular and I always know when I am ovulating but this month was a little different. I think I know when I ovulated but cant be 100% sure just I had early signals not unsure if I ovulated early or when I was supposed to! But overall no nothing different. Just feeling on pins at the moment, had stomach ache for a few days but could be due to the fact my time of month was due tomorrow. I feel so anxious its awful coz all i want to do is be happy and enjoy it! Good luck to you xx
It’d be the same, but im sure everything will be fine. I know its easy for me to say but try to think positive and maybe contact gp/epu for scan and hcg test to ensure its doubling normally. Im thinking of u and will keep everything crossed for u!
More BD ing sounds good, i shall try that next month. We are just doing every other day at the moment regardless of CD but this is just 1st month ttc after ep.
Let us know how everything goes
Much Love
Hi everyone,
AF got me at the start of the month, but thought I might join as I’m due on on the 1st august.
I used ovulation tests for the first time this month and am into my 2ww. Sorry if I sound thick but am I right in thinking that I could still get an lh surge without ovulating? Should I be taking my temperature too?
I had my EP in February and my left tube was removed. Been TTC since my first cycle after surgery.