A few days ago I discovered that I had an ectopic pregnancy. This was the first cycle after a miscarriage at just over 11weeks. It’s so hard to get my head round. I have a 2 year old son who was conceived fairly easily and to have 2 back to back losses is excruciating. I had one shot of Methotrexate yesterday, after monitoring my hcg levels since last Wednesday, so I’m really hoping that this works. The waiting game is tough.
Obviously, there’s no way to know this for sure, but I was convinced something was wrong as soon as I saw the line on the pregnancy test. As it was the first cycle after a miscarriage, I decided to track ovulation for the first time to see whether or not my cycle had returned to normal. At 10dpo I tested on a whim as I had weirdly strong pregnancy symptoms and lo and behold the darkest line I’ve ever seen on a test was there.
Is there any correlation between this and an ectopic? My theory is that because it implanted in the wrong place rather than travelling down to the uterus, it showed up way earlier. I can’t find any evidence to suggest this though!
I was so convinced that something was wrong and sadly I was correct. It’s funny how sometimes instincts are right. It’s terrible that for me, and probably all of you here, if I were to ever be lucky enough to get pregnant again I have been robbed of being able to feel excited. Instead, it will be crippling fear.
I’m so sad that my dream of a 2025 baby will now never be. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to bounce back this time