I am desperate for some help. I have just completed my one and only go at free nhs IVF. I managed to get a positive test on my test day but then that evening I began to bleed. I had mild cramping too. It was red blood - like I had started my period. There was a few clots, but minimal. Then I woke up this morning and it has more or less subsided and I now only have brown, scanty, watery only when I wipe and it is minimal. I also did another test and it is positve and a lot stronger positive that yesterday. I just dont know what to think? I thought I had miscarried now I just dont know. My fertility nurse said all I can do is test again in 7 days and see if it is still positive? But waiting 7 days is going to drive me nuts. Sorry for TMI but I just need some honest advice from anyone that can help please??? Does this sound normal in early pregnancy???
Hi not great. Just awaiting a second blood test for tomorrow which has taken a while to get. I have had left sided pain and continuous bleeding (scanty brown) sorry for TMI. Had a scan and the sonographer said my lining is too thin for a viable pregnancy…but then why all the increased positive tests? I asked her that and she shrugged her shoulders… So, hopefully by Sunday I will get blood test results back and will know which way it is looking. I would be 5 weeks and 2 -4 days if this is a viable pregnancy, which it aint looking like, but I dont know if it is too early for ectopic pain as last time I was 7 1/2 weeks so I am just left in limbo xx
Just saw your post, have been down south this week - so sorry that you are having to go through all of this! What a nightmare for you, big hugs (((((((()))))))))) I am glad to hear that you are getting monitored closely though, that is the least that they should be doing. There are a number of ladies on here who have had bleeding in early pregnancy and it has turned out to be fine, so I hope that you will be one of those. Fingers crossed that it turns out ok for you hun but just glad you are getting all the help that you need. Keep us posted.
Turns out after my blood results it was a miscarrage. I feel ok now as I kinda knew it wasnt viable, but was left in limbo but now I am not. The one thing that has dissapointed me though is that it was a grade one blastocyst transfer, and they only put one in me becasue they were adament that I would have such a high chance of concieving twins. Now the next stage would be frozen embryo transfer, but we have to pay - £2000.00!! So best get saving. Thing is I am thinking well if this time didnt work, surely next time I have even more chance of it not working becasue A. Its a frozen cycle which has less chance anyway and B. my best embryo out the lot of them didnt work so how is a second best going to work…I am a positive person but a very realistic one. So, those things are my concern at the minute. I will have to get in touch with the clinic today and ask them that. As for now we have decided to go on holiday in January for my 30th somewher hot to cheer ourselves up. I was offered a permanent job a few weeks ago and I am due to start next Monday so thats good news as at least I will be getting back to normality - had to accept as I wasnt sure which was this was going to go. Then we are going to try again in April as this gives me a few months to get my normal cycles back.
Could I aska personal question Angie and hope you dont mind me asking, but have you ever had a miscarrage?? Only this is my first one and I am still bleeding - well spotting a lot. I had one heavy bleed and since spotting, but its been going on for the past 11 days and just curious to know when it will stop, and then my next period wondering too when this will be as I havent had a normal period for a while due to this IVF drugs etc.
Just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear this news. I miscarried after my second round of IVF and did bleed quite a lot for a few weeks - all the reason to put your feet up and rest. I think my next period was around 4-5 weeks after the bleeding stopped.
From what I remember clinics generally won’t put 2 blastos in because of the higher chance of implantation. Does your clinic operate the one at a time policy for standard embryos?
I’m really glad you’ve got some positives to focus on before your next cycle - they’re important! I also went somewhere hot a few weeks later and it was definitely the right thing to do! Actually, I also went away when my first cycle failed…I’m a big believer in the restorative powers of a holiday!
Thanks for that information. Yes I had x1 day heavy bleed and then jsut spotting all the other time. I think it is coming to an end now though as today not much there at all. Just found out from clinic that we get another free go with frozen embryo transfer!! and they put x2 back in next time round. So I am quite happy about that as we were told initially we had to pay that nurse obviously got it wrong. So that has cheered me up XXX
So sorry to hear that this is how it ended up, what a nightmare for you. Big hugs ((((((((((()))))))))))))))
As for bleeding, I can only speak from experience following surgery with my 2 EPs. I think what you are describing sounds all fine, you can bleed for a few weeks or even more sometimes. I was about the same as you and then I think I got my period about 4 weeks or so later, I think your body will need some readjustment time after all the hormones from your cycle, but you shouldn’t have to wait too long for AF.
Also I would remember for next time round, your chance of success with a frozen embie is good, from what I’ve been told, it can be pretty much the same as a fresh cycle and is also less tough on your body without having to take all the IVF drugs for egg collection etc. Having just done one, it does feel so much easier than my previous full cycle. Try not to worry too about the grading of embies, it is the only way that they can do it at that early stage but there is no way for them to pick up other problems with the embies without doing full screening etc. There are plenty of ladies on here who have had cycles with all grades of embies and had success, so please try not to let that put you off.
That is great news that your next cycle will be funded, must be a huge relief and fab that they are happy to put 2 embies back in next time. Fingers and toes crossed that that will be your cycle and it will all work out ok. In the meantime, a holiday sounds perfect, just time for you to recover and chill out.
Thank you for that helpful and reassuring information. I was worried that there was something wrong with my uterus lining or my egg quality or something like that, but I am just putting it down to the fact that there was something wroing with this emby that would never of developed into a baby.
Can I ask, I hope you dont mind…did you have a failed pregnancy with fresh and then a positive with your frozen cycle then? XXX
Glad that my post was some help to you. Hope you are doing ok and starting to make nice holiday plans?
In answer to your question, I had two EPs and then was advised to do IVF. I had a successful fresh cycle and now on my frozen cycle, waiting on the outcome at the moment.
Ahh right, well I hope you get some news you are wanting to hear fingers crossed. Yeah thinking about the holiday, we have picked onE just got to let work know now then off we go into the sun bye bye winter weather hello sunshine. Lemeno if you get great news will be so very happy for you XXX
If it helps at all, our first ivf resulted in mc. I was devestated and think it probably the harder to come to terms with than the ep losses. However, we went again 3 months later, did another fresh cycle as I wasn’t lucky enough to have frosties and were successful again. Our DS is now 7 months. Try not to look at it as percentages. If all this has taught me anything it’s that there’s no rhyme or reason to most things fertility; it’s just time and determination and perserverence that wins the race.
Hope you are doing ok? Great news that you have got a holiday in mind, am sure will be just what you need - some nice winter sunshine!
Thanks for your kind words, have posted on another thread about my FET, basically in limbo with a BFP but spotting too. Just waiting now on blood test results.