Hi everyone,
I am desperate for some help. I have just completed my one and only go at free nhs IVF. I managed to get a positive test on my test day but then that evening I began to bleed. I had mild cramping too. It was red blood - like I had started my period. There was a few clots, but minimal. Then I woke up this morning and it has more or less subsided and I now only have brown, scanty, watery only when I wipe and it is minimal. I also did another test and it is positve and a lot stronger positive that yesterday. I just dont know what to think? I thought I had miscarried now I just dont know. My fertility nurse said all I can do is test again in 7 days and see if it is still positive? But waiting 7 days is going to drive me nuts. Sorry for TMI but I just need some honest advice from anyone that can help please??? Does this sound normal in early pregnancy???
Kim xxx
Hi I bled around test day, then about 4 weeks after that when I did IVF. You can get some bleeding around the time that your period would be due. It does not sound like you have bled enough to have miscarried, so I would take it for now that everything OK
I also had a large bleed at 13 weeks, again everything was fine
I have also had cycles that have not worked, and the periods are like normal periods, and last the normal amount oftime
I know its always a worry, but I would stay positive for now
Hi Lisakaz,
Thank you for being kind response. You have reassured me a bit. Yes it was heavy (ish) but it was only one day so I guess only time will tell. It is a shame that they cant get me in the monitor my HCG levels, but they just told me to take a test in a few days time - but I have to test daily becasue I am impatient like that - costing me a fortune it tests - I think the government should give pregnancy tests out for free myself. Thanks huni take care xx