Izzie - few questions please!!x

Hi Izzie

How are you?

Hope you, DH and J are all well

Ended up in A&E yesterday - pregnant (5wk+1), mild cramping with slight right sided pressure.

Whilst there I began to bleed (bright red - quickly developed into ‘period’ like heaviness)

Home pregnancy tests (two - I’m a bit neurotic) showed strong positives last week but in A&E pregnancy test showed negative.

HCG level had obviously plummeted so chemical pregnancy likely.

Because of my history, they took blood and I’ll find out hcg level today at some point.

If it’s >5 I’ll obviously have hcg tracked in epu until <5.

Had hoped it might already be <5 to avoid any concern but I did a ‘wellknown’ pregnancy test this morning and it was still very slightly positive so presumably hcg will be >5 but not by much.

I’m not hugely concerned it’s ectopic because going by pregnancy tests hcg looks like it’s falling and I’ve had chemical pregs before and the symptoms seem about right.

Just wondered if I could get some advice though?

Firstly, we want to try again quite soon (not only is it the ‘right’ time for us, emotionally I’m actually alright and that study last yr did suggest it’s better to ttc within 6m of miscarriage for better results*) but just wanted to check - after this bleeding stops should I wait for one period and ttc that subsequent cycle or wait longer - purely from a physical point of view?

Dating wise that would be ok though wouldn’t it?

Secondly, the doc implied that if it was a chemical pregnancy sort of by definition- implantation wouldn’t have occurred - out of interest - is that accurate? I didn’t think the two were absolutely bound together and it was so clear cut?

Finally, I know you don’t have my note or a crystal ball but what’s my body all about?!

Recurrent early miscarriage/chemical pregnancies, two ectopics and a healthy, successful full term pregnancy.

My gut feeling from a few days after my positive pregnancy test was that this pregnancy wasn’t going to work but once you have a healthy pregnancy after lots of losses you DO think that statistically chances should improve.

I had an HSG and recurrent loss tests before being pregnant with Ruby and nothing was ever found.

Little worried (not the right word) that Ruby was a miracle for my body that won’t be repeated…

Emotionally I’m ok which is sort of freaking me out a little

I’m very matter of fact and practical, which is really not like me!

I’ve been through this so many times but not with a beautiful little girl.

The only time I cried yesterday was in A&E when I told the doctor that having sat in that very room God knows how many times I felt so so relieved that I had my daughter to go home to this time. I cried that I didn’t have that feeling all the other times and for all the women who don’t now.

Is that normal or odd?

I feel like I should be grieving this little one in the way I have my other losses but … I can’t explain it.

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated



*Love ER et al Effect of interpregnancy interval on outcomes of pregnancy
after miscarriage: retrospective analysis of hospital episode statistics in
Scotland. BMJ 2010; 341; 3967

Also, sorry meant to ask, when can I go back to the gym?


Hi Lyndsay

I am OK but full of a fluy cold and should probably be in bed but honey I saw your news and couldn’t ignore you. I am so very sorry for your loss :frowning: As you know, I am no stranger to miscarriage myself so can really feel for you.

I’ll try to reply to your questions and hope the answers help

Firstly, we want to try again quite soon (not only is it the ‘right’ time for us, emotionally I’m actually alright and that study last yr did suggest it’s better to ttc within 6m of miscarriage for better results*) but just wanted to check - after this bleeding stops should I wait for one period and ttc that subsequent cycle or wait longer - purely from a physical point of view?
Dating wise that would be ok though wouldn’t it?

After miscarriage you don’t have to wait like you do after an ectopic pregnancy and many women conceive very quickly after a miscarriage with a positive outcome :smiley: It is however a good idea to hang on until your first period arrives, which is likely to be in around 4 or 5 weeks from now as your hCG levels have just about dropped to a none pregnant state so the pregnancy can be dated and it also allows you to treat yourself, get healthy, allow your immune system to recover and generally take it easy.

Secondly, the doc implied that if it was a chemical pregnancy sort of by definition- implantation wouldn’t have occurred - out of interest - is that accurate? I didn’t think the two were absolutely bound together and it was so clear cut?

As an egg tries to implant, it puts out a network of trophoblast cells which try to burrow in to the lining of the uterus (or the wall of the structure it’s attaching to in an ectopic pregnancy) and this is process causes hCG to be released from the implanting cells. In a huge number of pregnancies however, something goes wrong with the process, implantation stops or never properly completes and an early miscarriage occurs, so your doctor is kind of half right and so are you - if you see what I mean

Finally, I know you don’t have my note or a crystal ball but what’s my body all about?!
Recurrent early miscarriage/chemical pregnancies, two ectopics and a healthy, successful full term pregnancy.

I had an HSG and recurrent loss tests before being pregnant with Ruby and nothing was ever found.
Little worried (not the right word) that Ruby was a miracle for my body that won’t be repeated…

I honestly don’t know how to answer that and nor can I find any research that would help me answer you to reassure you or otherwise. My own experience was that I did have my one miracle and a lot of other loss to go with it but I know of only a handful (literally a handful,) if other women in that situation.

Emotionally I’m ok which is sort of freaking me out a little

Trust your instincts, if you feel OK, you feel OK! And that’s OK! You are still going through the process at the moment. Once the hospital is out of the picture you may find you have a flood of grief or you may not - there’s no right way - this is one of those times you have to just roll with it and that’s what you are doing so try not to predict how you ‘should’ be feeling or reacting, just accept the way you are, however you are reacting, now and in the future. Give your self permission to feel however you feel is what I am trying to say.

I’m very matter of fact and practical, which is really not like me!
I’ve been through this so many times but not with a beautiful little girl.

I barely shed a tear after my last miscarriage - I wasn’t being callous, it wasn’t that I didn’t care or that it didn’t matter, just that as you say I had my beautiful girl and I was becoming reconciled to the fact that i might or might not have another child but grateful for the one I did have. Being practical is FINE, so is being impractical, weeping and shouting inside the wardrobe that life is a be-atch if you need to

The only time I cried yesterday was in A&E when I told the doctor that having sat in that very room God knows how many times I felt so so relieved that I had my daughter to go home to this time. I cried that I didn’t have that feeling all the other times and for all the women who don’t now.
Is that normal or odd?

It doesn’t sound odd to me and it obviously felt right for you at that time so don’t over analyse it, just let it be

I feel like I should be grieving this little one in the way I have my other losses but … I can’t explain it.

And you don’t have to explain it, not to anyone - something just can’t be expressed in words anyway - if you are comfortable with chalk, paint, pencil or some other medium, try and draw it - it doesn’t have to be a Rembrandt or Old Master - it can be a squiggle but if it expresses something for you, that’s fine - if you aren’t in to art just hold the stuff you can’t explain and let it be part of you. It’ll find a way, and you’ll find a way to let it, all surface and be expressed somehow at some point -

You can go back to the gym, whenever you feel ready today, next week, next month - whenever you feel it’s OK for you

xx gentle hugs - thinking of you


Izzie, thank you so much for your reply, especially when you’re not feeling well.

I only really trust you and my one consultant’s words (and however great she is she really doesn’t do the emotion stuff :lol: ) when it comes to all this so seeing a reply from you makes me feel so so much better.

You’re right of course about rolling with how I feel and I know that it might change - felt so p*ssed off last night but today, on the other hand, I feel a bit more accepting and we do plan ttc after my next period so sort of just want to get on with it!

I hope you manage to get some rest over the weekend and feel better soon.

Thanks again,



You made me feel very humbled. Glad I could be there

As for me, feeling much better today :smiley: and have a little weekend jaunt planned so that’ll pep me up nicely

Take care and go a day at a time … no hard and fast rules OK - you know where we are


Hi Lyndsay, I read your posts and had to reply. So sorry to hear your news.

After having my beautiful daughter I too had another mc, couldn’t make sense of it as I thought chances would be better after having Eva.I felt I had to be strong for her, didnt want her to pick up that mummy was sad so I wouldn’t allow myself anytime to grieve. For me it has taken a while to decide whether or not ttc again part of that was down to just giving myself a break from therollercoaster ride we face. Through perseverance we have our beautiful girls so we got something right I look at Eva every day and can’t believe how lucky we are .

Be kind to yourself, take care and big hugs.

Lots of love pip xxx


Really lovely to hear from you!

So sorry to hear you’ve gone through miscarriage too.

How are you?

How old is Eva now?

Ruby will be two in October :shock:

We are exceptionally lucky, you’re so right.

AF has turned up this morning (first one since m/c) so the plan is to not try this cycle but to try the following one.

Fingers crossed!

Take care,


Hey i will have everything crossed for you, lots of fairy dust being sprinkled!!

Our little ones are growing up fast hey Ruby is 2!!! Eva was 3 last week she’s a little angel :smiley: every day i thank God for her.

I’m good thanks, we decided to take time out enjoying Eva after the last mc and we started trying again early this year… hopefully we will get some good news from a scan tomorrow as I should be about 8 weeks. Have to say i am trying to keep calm and think positive though with every twinge i am expecting the worse guess that is due to our previous history.

Keeping fingers crossed for you for next couple of months hopefully we can post together on the other board.

Take care and big hugs and of course lots of fairy dust

Pip xxxxx

Hey i will have everything crossed for you, lots of fairy dust being sprinkled!!

Our little ones are growing up fast hey Ruby is 2!!! Eva was 3 last week she’s a little angel :smiley: every day i thank God for her.

I’m good thanks, we decided to take time out enjoying Eva after the last mc and we started trying again early this year… hopefully we will get some good news from a scan tomorrow as I should be about 8 weeks. Have to say i am trying to keep calm and think positive though with every twinge i am expecting the worse guess that is due to our previous history.

Keeping fingers crossed for you for next couple of months hopefully we can post together on the other board.

Take care and big hugs and of course lots of fairy dust

Pip xxxxx

Oh Pip

That’s brilliant.

I hope yesterday went well, fingers firmly crossed.

Let me know



I’ve just read the other board.

I’m so sorry to read your update.

I wish things had been different yesterday at the scan.

It’s bloody unfair.

Sending all my love
