Hi Izzie
How are you?
Hope you, DH and J are all well
Ended up in A&E yesterday - pregnant (5wk+1), mild cramping with slight right sided pressure.
Whilst there I began to bleed (bright red - quickly developed into ‘period’ like heaviness)
Home pregnancy tests (two - I’m a bit neurotic) showed strong positives last week but in A&E pregnancy test showed negative.
HCG level had obviously plummeted so chemical pregnancy likely.
Because of my history, they took blood and I’ll find out hcg level today at some point.
If it’s >5 I’ll obviously have hcg tracked in epu until <5.
Had hoped it might already be <5 to avoid any concern but I did a ‘wellknown’ pregnancy test this morning and it was still very slightly positive so presumably hcg will be >5 but not by much.
I’m not hugely concerned it’s ectopic because going by pregnancy tests hcg looks like it’s falling and I’ve had chemical pregs before and the symptoms seem about right.
Just wondered if I could get some advice though?
Firstly, we want to try again quite soon (not only is it the ‘right’ time for us, emotionally I’m actually alright and that study last yr did suggest it’s better to ttc within 6m of miscarriage for better results*) but just wanted to check - after this bleeding stops should I wait for one period and ttc that subsequent cycle or wait longer - purely from a physical point of view?
Dating wise that would be ok though wouldn’t it?
Secondly, the doc implied that if it was a chemical pregnancy sort of by definition- implantation wouldn’t have occurred - out of interest - is that accurate? I didn’t think the two were absolutely bound together and it was so clear cut?
Finally, I know you don’t have my note or a crystal ball but what’s my body all about?!
Recurrent early miscarriage/chemical pregnancies, two ectopics and a healthy, successful full term pregnancy.
My gut feeling from a few days after my positive pregnancy test was that this pregnancy wasn’t going to work but once you have a healthy pregnancy after lots of losses you DO think that statistically chances should improve.
I had an HSG and recurrent loss tests before being pregnant with Ruby and nothing was ever found.
Little worried (not the right word) that Ruby was a miracle for my body that won’t be repeated…
Emotionally I’m ok which is sort of freaking me out a little
I’m very matter of fact and practical, which is really not like me!
I’ve been through this so many times but not with a beautiful little girl.
The only time I cried yesterday was in A&E when I told the doctor that having sat in that very room God knows how many times I felt so so relieved that I had my daughter to go home to this time. I cried that I didn’t have that feeling all the other times and for all the women who don’t now.
Is that normal or odd?
I feel like I should be grieving this little one in the way I have my other losses but … I can’t explain it.
Anyway, any advice would be appreciated
*Love ER et al Effect of interpregnancy interval on outcomes of pregnancy
after miscarriage: retrospective analysis of hospital episode statistics in
Scotland. BMJ 2010; 341; 3967