Question for Izzie or another host...


Hoping someone can help… It’s now almost 9 weeks since my mmc was diagnosed and 8 weeks since my ERPC & I’ve not had a period yet. Am desperate to get my cycle back & am getting really frustrated that there is no sign of AF. Who would have thought I’d be wishing for that!! I only had the first negative HPT 2 weeks ago & blood tests showed my HCG was dropping very slowly - I thought that after erpc it should drop quickly!?

Anyway, everything I’ve read suggests cycle should return to normal within 4-6 weeks & while I’m not hugely beyond that I’m keen to understand if I should be concerned & whether I should be going back to gp? They weren’t massively concerned about hcg levels but then again they didn’t seem massively interested in mc either. Feeling a bit abandoned at the minute - long since discharged by EPAS but gp doesn’t seem to understand or be much interested in pregnancy or failed pregnancy matters.

I have been doing pretty well since this all happened but lack of AF is beginning to get to me - maybe it’s hormones & indeed PMT - or perhaps the arrival of 2 friends babies yesterday but either way am feeling pretty :frowning:

Sorry for the moan - just came to ask a question & it all came out…



Ps - did another hpt this morning just to rule out another pregnancy as we’ve not been careful but at this rate I’m going to blow my entire salary on blooming hpts as that’s weeks I’ve been doing them to check when they are negative :frowning:

Hi Sweetheart

So sorry you are playing the waiting game :frowning: but it can take time … just try and relax if you can (I know it’s easier said than done). I have known it take up to 16 weeks for some women … so plan to just do what you need to do for a week or two, at least until after the festive season …

the fact your first negative HPT was only 14 days ago you may need to wait it out for a little longer yet - up to another month maybe, by which time I suspect the maiden Aunt Flo will appear in all her glory.

The waiting is so hard though … so just try to hang in there OK