Sadly joining you from the ‘alternative routes’ board following successful IVF which has ended in a missed miscarriage. I am currently waiting for the bleeding to start as I have stopped the hormonal support I was taking. I am so full of grief and disappointment along with fear for what it will be like. The clinic said it could be a couple of weeks before it starts. I have just started a new job so I am trying to keep a brave face on things but am a total mess. I am wondering whether I should be asking for surgical intervention. My clinic said they don’t do it if you are going to go on and try to conceive but this was our last go as it was an FET from IVF when I was younger (now 41). Any advice? I have endometriosis so have horrific periods as it is. Love to everyone else on here suffering loss. Scoops xxx
Hey scoops, just saw you have written here. I really feel for you. I forgot you have to let the hormones go down after meds etc.
Re the d&c, it comes down to whether you want everything over quicker, I let mine resolve naturally (it took 3 weeks but that was without any hormone supplements ) but I was so worried having a d&c would effect my chances of ttc.
Your main thing is to process your loss, not only for now, but also for your future (knowing it was your last try)
You have your beautiful boy to distract you and to be grateful, I hope this is some comfort and reassurance.
Do your best in your job, it is very bad timing, but go easy on yourself. Talk to someone you trust, It may help you process it
Once again, my biggest hugs to you. Take care of yourself.xx
Thanks Mimis. I ended up in hospital yesterday as I had really sharp pains and only the tiniest bleed on Weds (my periods are usually really heavy). They were great and scanned me and did bloods so I came away completely reassured. The Gynae dr felt that I actually probably miscarried longer ago (I had a small bleed a couple of days after ET) and that my positive test after that was left over hormones. She said there isn’t anything else to come and thinks that the pain is just everything settling. I am finding it all quite hard to accept still but trying my best to move on. My son brings me an enormous amount of joy and it is when he is in bed at night that it all begins to dawn on me. Scoops. XXX
Hey scoops, sorry to hear that, but at least everything is ok. I bet it must have been quite a worry for you.
Be gentle on yourself, you will take a while to get over it, it’s normal. I’m glad your son helps distract you and brings so much joy… Definitely focus on that!
Take care xx
By the way the words ‘get over it’ is not quite right… It’s more about accepting it…