Hey guys, my story so far, had a mmc in June I was 13 weeks… Ectopic and right tube removed in august, found out I was pregnant again in November had scan a week ago at 5.5 saw sac and yolk. I’m now 6.6 and last night had a red bleed which stopped as soon as it began, nothing all night then after dtd this morning had yet more pink/red blood. Again it’s gone had nothing all day. Iv not got a midwife yet and epu closed I can’t get to a&e as iv got all the kids here with me and hubby’s fine away til tomorrow. I haven’t told him as what I’m going through I don’t want him to go through. So my next scan is scheduled next Friday but will go Monday. Atm I’m just say here waiting for the worst I’m ill with sickness bug so I’m having really rough time. Got no cramping just occasional twinge in ovarie. Anyone please help me xx
Hi chapel,
I’m so sorry ur going through this, I to have had an ep, mmc and mc one after the other and understand how scared u must be.
Try to relax as bleeding doesn’t always mean mc, I’ve had several bleeds with this pregnancy and am now 23 weeks, I did however freak out each time. By the sounds of it you are having a similar bleed to what i had at 6 -7 weeks which the epu said was the placenta attachingi
I really hope the it’s the same for u but for ur own sake and sanity get checked out
Sarah xx
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for replying. The bleed was back but again nothing now. I can’t go until Monday but of course if I do develop pain I will. Can I just ask what your bleeding was like if you don’t mind me asking? I didn’t have this with my 2 healthy preg or strangely with the Mcs. Xx
The early bleed was gushing of bright red blood for about 30 -40 mins thrn it just stopped but over a few days bitty brown and pink discharge for a few days
I didnt have this either with my miscarriages with my mmc I had nothing and with my mc I had server cramping, non stop bleeding and pass clots. This is my first pregnancy thats gone further than 1st trimester so dont have any experience of a full term pregnancy
I hope ur looking after urself
sarah x
That’s basically what iv had it’s now bits of brown when I wipe but vaguely there. With my Mcs I had non stop bleeding with cramps but iv got no cramps at all. I just can’t wait for scan tomorrow so I know either way. Thanks again xx
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it’s the same as me hun good luck for tomorrow xx
Thank you so much il update tomorrow and btw I’m so happy for you and baby xx
Just to update went for scan, baby is fine! Strong heartbeat measuring 7.2 weeks. I’m shocked. So blessed and the bleeding was just baby implanting deeper thanks for the support again xx
Congratulations Char! I’ve been checking your post off and on today for an update. So pleased for you xx
Thank you hun I honestly didn’t expect to be updating with such happy news xx
Thats awsome hun, I know how scary it was but atleast u can breath easy now
Yes I can finally! just amazing what the human body does xx
Lovely to hear your news that you got good news at your scan today! I too have had a miscarriage 2 years ago then waited until this year until emotionally felt ready to try again. I fell Pregnant in October and unfortunately it was an Ectopic Pregnancy and I had emergency surgery and my left tube removed on 12TH October. I waited to my first period then we tried again and I must of got pregnant straight away but ive now been bleeding again for a week!
At first I thought it was just my period but ive done a home test and it was positive and another today and it was positive so I’ve rang my GP and they said as i’m only 5 Weeks plus 2 days they wont see me in the Early Pregnancy Clinic until 6weeks? I’ve explained my concerns in waiting but they said nothing will show up before 6 weeks on the scan? Very worried and upset as they are making me wait until Sunday to have my scan… I’ve already now been bleeding for 8 days and considering my Ectopic Pregancy was so recent I am so disappointed they don’t see my concern at having to wait… Any advice would be great. Thanks.
Hi Hun thank you.
I’m sorry to hear what your going through as you’ve read iv been through the same. I went at 5 weeks as I was in pain and brown spotting. Docs refused to refer me for same reasons. I refused to take no for an answer and saw 3 diff docs last one finally referred me for scan at 5.5 . It’s rubbish when they say it’s pointless cos nothing will show. At 5 weeks there will be a sac and yolk visable. U won’t see baby and hb yet but at least u will know it’s all in right place. That’s where they went wrong with me when I had ectopic. They refused to scan until I was nearly 7 weeks! I could’ve died because of this. Please do keep on or if needs be go to a and e and refuse to leave until your scanned. Il be thinking of u please update me on how u are xxx
Hi Charl-26 how are things going with you now, is all well? Unfortunatly I did not get happy news, I had my 2nd Ectopic pregnancy and got a dose of Methotrexiate on 23/12/14, horrible start to my Christmas holidays