Here we go again

My ectopic was nearly five years ago. Since then I’ve had my son. I’m currently 5+6 and have been in and out of EPU and A&E. Scan showed nothing (it didn’t last time either), HCG is erratic (more bloods again until the morning), pain and black bleeding that started at prune juice coloured. I can’t believe this is happening again.

I’m determined to keep my remaining tube so does anyone know if they would give me methotrexate even if they can’t see it in a tube? Last time I had 8 scans and nothing was seen until they operated as my HCG rose to over 8000

I’m praying for you hun I know how traumatic this can be! Keep your hope!

Hi Khaya, I’m sorry you’re having a rough time again. I’m not sure if I can answer your question but what happened to me is I had one ultrasound done and they didn’t find anything…a few days later I went to a different hospital and the ultrasound tech found the mass in my tube. I don’t think that only a few days would have made such a difference but one never knows. Sometimes I think it was because I had a different person do the procedure on me that we were able to find it at all. She was incredibly thorough and took a long time to find it. The first lady I found was done fairly quickly and didn’t seem too worried at all. If you’re feeling really concerned and truly believe in your heart that it is ectopic, then maybe you should get a second opinion (if you can). My gynae let me chose between surgery and mtx because I was kind of on the edge for either or. We thought we’d try the mtx first and see how it worked. I was bleeding internally but my gynae seemed to believe that I would heal on my own and I did after the mtx. Keep up hope. Big hugs to you.

Thanks so much for your replies. I had bloods done on Monday and they’d come down and then I started bleeding heavily on Tuesday and Wednesday. Lighter yesterday and almost stopped today. The consultant wanted to do final bloods today so I did, convinced they would be really low. They’ve gone up again. For the first time ever I can say that I felt my legs give way - thank goodness I was sitting. So now I have to go to A&E in the morning and be examined and then have another scan on Monday afternoon. All over the place emotionally

I, too, had a hard time walking with my ectopic. I felt a lot of numbness in my legs and there were times that I felt like passing out or my legs buckled underneath me. This is scary. I’m sending many prayers your way and hoping for the best.

I’m wondering how things worked out for you? I’m in a similar boat, ruptured ectopic in June left tube removed and now early pregnancy with right side pain, no bleeding yet hcg levels at 66 and have to go back the for more tests. My thought I was only 6 weeks when the last one ruptured but ‘period’ before it v strange and light, similar ‘period’ this last time, scared and confused. :?

Hi, hope it worked out for you. I am now seven weeks with pregnancy in the right place but have had 4 previous miscarriages so not holding out massive amounts of hope yet, just to let you all know I had my left tube removed when I had ectopic in June and this clever little egg came from the left ovary made its way into the right tube and down into my uterus, so it can happen! The consultant checked which ovary during scan to establish where this pregnancy was, so take heart! Our chances ARE definitely more than 50% with one tube! Sending you all positive thoughts :smiley:

Hi Khaya, I hope everything worked out for you. I’ve just left hospital today really upset and distressed. I had 4 scans and lots of blood and could not see anything on my scans until the 4th scan when a senior consultant found my eptopic pregnancy, my levels by this time was 8000. They could not give me the injection as they only give it if your bloods are below 3000, so I ended up losing my left tube. Scared to try again and don’t really know how long to leave it before we try again. Can anyone suggest? Xx thanks