
hi ladies. I mainly lurk but wanted to post for some advice. I had an ectopic pregnancy 10 years ago when on the mini pill. we started TTC in 2010 but sadly had an earlier miscarriage the first month we started trying. I didn’t feel emotionally ready to TTC until 2011 when we conceived our son after 2 months of trying. we started TTC number 2 in june but I have had problems with anxiety and depression since then probably due to coming off anti-depressants while TTC. I have weighed up the pros and cons of anti-depressants and have gone back on them and feeling so much better. I had an implant in before - since removal, first cycle was 32 days I think and second cycle was 27 days. I am now on day 31 and had a negative pregnancy test this morning. had period like cramping without bleeding about a week ago which I thought was maybe a good sign for pregnancy. possibly am testing too early but hate the waiting and guess I haven’t really thought through how I will cope with repeatedly not becoming pregnant or another miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. I worry that I’ve had some left sided twinges and what if I am pregnant but it’s ectopic and the UPT can’t detect the HCG levels… with writing this, maybe my anxiety isn’t so well controlled as I thought!

Hi Tinkerbell,

This is a private, safe environment for you to be as anxious as you like and we are all here to support you through it. So many of us understand how you feel and, myself, and so many women I have spoken to have been keen to pregnancy test as soon as possible, sometimes taking multiple tests. You are not alone.

It can take up to 12 weeks for the implant to leave your system so, much easier said than done I know, do try and be as gentle as possible with yourself about trying to conceive.

We are with you every step of the way to answer any questions and share any excitement or frustration.

We have everything crossed for you.

Much love,



thank you for much for your kind reply. I checked a test this morning and it looked to be a faint positive… probably will repeat it tomorrow or sunday and if does look positive, will book an early scan at 6 weeks I think I was told… trying not to get too excited in case I am not really pregnant or if it doesn’t work out