TTC again-Anxiety


I am TTC again after ectopic in November. I been trying two months without success. However, The anxiety I get the week after my period is huge and it is getting worse as the due date is approaching. I always think I am having a second ectopic until the period arrives. Even after that I need to do a pregnacity test to be 100% sure that is is not bleeding due to ectopic pregnancy. My anxiety and fear affects not just me, also my husband. Could you give me some recommendation to be able to work on it?. Thanks. Tere

Hi there,

I just wanted to post a message to say hello and let you know that you are not alone. I also had an ectopic in November and, like you, have been trying to conceive again for 2 months now without success. Our first month trying I had a very long, unusual cycle where my period was two weeks late and I started to feel very anxious that something awful was happening again. I even called the EPU for advice as I was worried that another ectopic might not show up on the pregnancy test - I started to worry that the test wasn’t accurate! We are in the two week wait of my third cycle now and are hoping that this month will bring us happy news. I am trying to remember how low the chances are of things going wrong again and am trying to stay positive. I just wanted you to know that someone else out there understands.

Take care x

Thanks for your message, i had exactly the same than you on my second cycle of TTC. My period came 1 week late (I am very regular) and I was even feeling abdominal pain similar to ectopic but in the opposite site!!! The pregnancy test was negative but I was very anxious that it is was mistaken!!!. I am wondering if it was my anxiety creating the pain and the delay on the period…As same as you I repite to meyself that I have 90% of success to have a normal pregnancity. I hope everything goes well with you. All the best, Tere.

Hello just wanted to say your not alone, I’m the same. 2 cycles so far trying and going Into the next now. It’s horrible isn’t It not knowing if you will fall pregnant and if It will be ectopic. Did you both have your tube removed? X

I was treated with methotrexate. We need to be positive and try to think in something else. Easier to say than do it!!!

Thank you Tere - you are right, we have a 90% chance of a successful pregnancy which is really good. I am sending positive energy your way and hope that things go well for you too. Today I found out that I am pregnant and so far I just feel happy and hopeful that things will work out this time. Every twinge is nervewracking but I am trying to stay hopeful until my scan in a few weeks. I feel very lucky.

Hi Caroline - I am sorry to hear you are in the same boat as well. I had methotrexate which failed and then had surgery and had my left tube removed. How are things going for you?

All the best x

Hi Roses,

Congratulations!! I would like to wish you all the best in this new pregnany. I am sure everything goes normal this time!!!

Thank you so much Tere xxx