Just wanting others opinion on my current situation… (sorry for the long story)
I Have a history of ectopic pregnancy, ruptured tube, lost left Fallopian tube in August 2014. Fell pregnant with a little fertility assistance with my daughter who was born in 2016 (I still feel so incredibly blessed to have her) After lots of discussion we decided to try to give our daughter a sibling and was so lucky to fall pregnant in Septembert this year, but after some bleeding and a couple of trips to the Epu I was told it was an early pregnancy loss as my hcg dropped to 12. I had a negative hpt a week later. Last weekend I just didn’t ‘feel right’ and took 3 hpt, all positive. The following day I had very heavy bright red bleeding which lasted for 5 days, like a heavy period. I called Epu and they said I was just getting my period and to ignore the positive tests I had 5 days earlier. 2 days later and the bleeding has got much lighter but I have a constant ache in my right hip, enough that it kept me awake last night. This was how the pain for my ectopic started. I have done another pregnancy test today also and it is a much stronger positive than 6 days ago. I phoned the Epu again today and they said they don’t think it warrants an appointment with them yet, but to go to my gp on Monday and ask for a blood test instead. Just wondering if anyone thinks this is good advice, or if I should be pushing for an appointment with them? It’s difficult to know exactly how pregnant I am as I haven’t had period since the miscarriage, but my last blood test which showed my hcg was 12 was 4.5 weeks ago. Thankyou for reading and any advice would be gratefully received!