Hi everyone, just on for some advice. If there are any midwives or anyone who has been through something similar you advice would be great!
I found out I was pregnant Jan 2nd. I had been taking pregnancy tests every 48hrs to track my hcg as I have had 6 previous mc’s. The line was getting darker but wasn’t as dark as I knew it should have been at points. Also Clearblue digital wasn’t progressing from 1-2.
I attended the EPU at 7 weeks due to the tests not progressing and some brown spotting which would come and go. I had an internal scan and was diagnosed with PUL along with hcg blood tests being done every 48hrs. My hcg was rising but not doubling which was expected.
On Thursday they finally found the pregnancy in my right tube and it was confirmed ectopic. Because my hcg levels were low at this point (200 and something I’m not sure the exact number) and they couldn’t see any free flowing fluid I was asked to go back today.
Today I had bloods done and the results came back. My hcg didn’t drop much so they have asked me to come back on Monday again for repeat bloods and a scan.
I’m just wanting to know if anyone has been through similar, if it resolved itself and how long did it take? I have been going back and forth from the hospital for what feels like an eternity now and I don’t know how much longer this will go on for. The waiting is killing me and any slight pain sends me into a full blown panic thinking my tube is going to rupture. I haven’t been given any treatment yet and just don’t know if it’s worth waiting it out or having the injection for not only my physical health but my mental health too as I am really struggling.
Sorry for the really long winded post and rambling. I really hope to hear some good outcomes from you all.