Looking for support and advice... slow rising hcg and PUL

Hi everyone. New to this site and just looking for a bit of support or similar experiences to mine :frowning:

I’m currently on my second week of bleeding with a week of spotting prior to that. I assumed it was a chemical pregnancy but I was still getting positive pregnancy tests so GP referred me to EPU.

Had a scan and they couldn’t see any sign of a pregnancy. There was a wiggly line of something in my right tube and two cysts on my right ovary. They diagnosed me with PUL and strongly suspected an ectopic.

I’ve had blood tests 48 hours apart and the hcg was 128 and then 154, so very low but rising. I was hoping my body was going to deal with this naturally but if hcg is rising does that mean I’ll most likely need the injection or surgery?

I have another blood test in two days time and a further scan on weds next week. Just terrified of what it’ll show or what may happen between now and then!

Thanks for any responses. X

Dear VE123,

I am so sorry to hear of the difficult time you are going through,

Not knowing what is happening to our bodies can be extremely overwhelming and you have a friend here who understands. Whilst I was not diagnosed with a pregnancy of unknown location, I was admitted to hospital with a ? ectopic pregnancy on a Friday evening of a bank holiday weekend so I had to wait until the Tuesday to be informed that I was indeed having an ectopic pregnancy and it really was the most anxious wait.

It is important to understand that Pregnancy of unknown location - (PUL) is not a diagnosis; it is a label given until the final location of the pregnancy can be identified with certainty. In the event of a PUL, blood will be taken to measure serum progesterone and hCG and the hCG test repeated 48 hours later. The doctors would also want to repeat the scan.

Until the location of the pregnancy is known definitively or the serum hormone levels have decreased to below pregnancy levels, there is a risk of complications associated with an as yet undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy. Whilst I do not wish to alarm you, for every 100 pregnancies labelled as a PUL about 10 will subsequently be found to be ectopic; but not all of these will need treatment. If treatment is required, (methotraxate injection or surgery) this will depend on the results of blood tests and scans and I would discuss this further with you Dr.

We have further information on treatment here-


We will be here for you for as long as you need,

Sending much love,

Karen x

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?

Further information is available at www.ectopic.org.uk

Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk.

Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.

Thank you for your informative reply Karen. I suppose I’m looking for answers that just aren’t there yet. The hospital staff have been wonderfully supportive, it’s just frustrating that they can not give me definitive answers yet. I need to find a way of keeping myself busy for the next few days! It just feels like this is my every waking thought.

Just wondering how you’ve got on?

I’m in this situation now. Got a faint positive last week but starting bleeding the next day so assumed it was a chemical. Then on Tuesday got very strong positive tests. Scan on Thursday showed nothing at all so blood tests 48 hours apart. Thursdays test showed results of 297 and today they said they’d risen but only very slightly. Been told to have another blood test on Monday.

What does this mean? Is it almost certain that this is either a failing or eptopic pregnancy?

I’m not in pain now but absolutely terrified somethings suddenly going to rupture and I’ll end up being rushed in as an emergency. Really scared about being alone in case something happens.

Hello VE123

I’m currently experiencing similar symptoms. Positive pregnancy test on 12/05, started spotting 2-3 days later which I thought was my period as seemed to get heavier and another pregnancy test showed a faint line. Saw a GP on the 21/05 as the bleeding wasn’t stopping, they referred me to EPU. Had an internal scan 22/05 as well as bloods to check HCG levels, the doctor could not see anything on the scan except for quite a thick lining, hcg was around the 400 mark, diagnosed with PUL. Back on 24/05 for more bloods which had gone up to just over 600, doctors did another scan but could still not see anything, mentioned ectopic was a possibility but couldn’t confirm as was still quite early so could also be failing. I had bloods 26/05 which had gone up to just under 1000 and another scan which showed a tiny mass in my right tube. At the moment the doctors are doing expectant management as I don’t have a lot of pain, I have another scan tomorrow to confirm if definately ectopic and the doctor has said they will make a decision then.

Also hoping my body will deal with it naturally before then. It is pretty scary when you don’t know exactly what is going on.

Hope you’re ok and if you feel like talking I’m here also trying to keep busy.

It sounds like we’re all having the same thoughts. Currently waiting for results of 3rd blood tests I had today. I’m still spotting dark brown blood but no pain.

Hi Tb28 and SAL34. So sorry you’ve found yourselves in a similar situation and thanks for sharing.

Tb28 the waiting is awful isn’t it? I wish I had some answers for you. Do you know the results of your second and third blood draws? I have done so much frantic googling over the past few days and it seems low rising hcg isn’t definitely a sign of miscarriage or ectopic but is a warning sign so it’s good they’re being cautious and keeping an eye on you.

Hcg from my first bloods was 128 and from my second (48 hours later) was 154. The midwife at the epu described this as an “abnormal rise”. I knew from the outset this wasn’t going to have a happy ending for me and I had come to terms with that which I think has made it slightly easier. I just never really believed I would have an ectopic… it seems like something that happens to other people :oops: I too am terrified of rupturing. My partner has been at work all weekend so I’ve come to stay with my mum and have a hospital bag packed just because it helps me feel a tiny bit less anxious. I’m as prepared as I can be.

SAL34 our cases and symptoms do sound similar. I haven’t had much pain… except when the bleeding first started I had awful

backache on my right side. Im still bleeding at the moment, day 15 today. Has yours stopped or still going? I’m dreading being sent away for another week with no answers. Although I don’t really want it I think I’m going to push for the metho jab if I’m eligible for it. The waiting has me seriously stressed out. Please let me know the result of your next scan, I have everything crossed that it’s good news for you.


Hi Ladies

I’ve been at the hospital this morning, slight stabbing pains in the right side but nothing alarming. They’ve completed another scan and my HCG has shown a rise to over 2000. The scan is still showing a tiny mass in my right tube which hasn’t got any bigger, quite a relief. I am also still bleeding but not as heavy as previous. There is no sign of a viable pregnancy and everything is pointing to ectopic. I’ve had more bloods done in preparation for the metho jab today.

The waiting is definately the worst part. I’ll be holding thumbs for both of you. Please let me know how you get on xx

So got my levels back today

Friday was 297

Saturday 350

Monday 418

They advised me to have another blood test tomorrow but I’m getting some shoulder pain and a bit of a dodgy tummy so they’re going to see me this afternoon for a possible scan. Prob still too early to see but I’m so worried about internal bleeding.

I feel your pain. I had some real discomfort overnight so called EPU this morning for advice… told to get straight to A&E. My Sunday bloods showed another increase and are up to 230 now. I’ve been scanned and they can see a 5cm mass which I find really confusing as there was nothing on last weeks scan aside from two cysts. It also showed some free fluid so the doctor thinks a small blood vessel has ruptured. Now on a surgical ward with a cannula in my arm and am waiting for them to decide how to proceed. I’ve never been more frightened in my life.

I hope they give you a scan today to set your mind at ease. Keep me posted and best wishes to you xx

That sounds really frightening - I hope you’re alright. Please let us know how you are later on.

I’ve sat waiting for 3 hours to see a doctor and they don’t seem concerned. It seems that unless you’re in real pain they don’t want to know. They’re still saying with levels of 418 that they won’t be able to see anything. sigh

My levels have now hit just over 500 and within 6 days my ‘mass’ has gone from being invisible to being 5cm by 2cm!! Scary. So low hcg doesn’t necessarily mean nothing will be seen on a scan… I’m shocked they are refusing to give you another! I’d really try to push for one.

SAL34, any update on your metho jab?

I am currently on a ward waiting patiently for surgery. Sadly that was my only option. The doctors and nurses have been wonderful and very reassuring. Just not looking forward to the procedure and recovery.

Hi Tb28

I would definately keep pushing for an internal scan if something doesn’t feel right with you.

Ve123, I hope everything went well with your surgery and you are feeling better! I’ve had the metho jab this evening, just got home. Some cramping which Ive been told is part of the process. Really hoping this works and my levels have dropped in the next 4 days when I’ll need to go back.

Wishing both of you the best of luck for tonight. It doesn’t sound like it’s going to be an easy one. I’ll be thinking of you

Bloods again tomorrow morning so I’m going to push for a scan when they call tomorrow evening. Thank you again for your help and pls keep posting - I want to know how you are both doing

Sorry I went awol for a couple of days, just haven’t felt up to writing. Although I was top of the ward emergency list on Tuesday my surgery kept getting delayed as other emergencies were coming in to A&E. Had the most uncomfortable night of my life on Tuesday but thankfully surgery went ahead as planned yesterday. I was very groggy and sick afterwards but am now feeling better in myself… and almost pain free. Such a relief.

When I was in recovery I seem to remember the surgeon telling me they hadn’t had to remove a tube and all looked healthy but I could have imagined that as I was on another planet!! Will speak to a doctor when they do their rounds this morning for a full update. Hopefully I am on the road to recovery now.

What was the result from your bloods yesterday Tb28? Any luck getting a scan?

SAL34 hope you’re feeling ok after the metho. When will they test your hcg levels again? Here’s hoping they’re dropping nice and quickly.

Thank you both for your messages and sending heaps of support in your directions xx

VE123 I’m really glad you’re on the road to recovery and the surgery went ok. Have everything crossed they managed to save the tube and everything is healthy for next time

My bloods had gone up 20% again so now 500. Having a scan today. Started to get bloating and a bit of pain so they want to check for bleeding. I’m hoping I’ll have a decision today.

Oh well done on getting a scan. It’s the waiting and the unknown that is the worst part in all this isn’t it. I wish there was a more reliable way of diagnosing ectopic at an earlier stage. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, I’m sure you’ll get an answer today x

I’ve spoken to the consultant. They didn’t have to touch the tube as it had already expelled the pregnancy by itself. They couldn’t see any obvious issues with either tube. However there is a 10-15% chance it would happen again as there may be some sort of deformity there :expressionless: They called it a tubal miscarriage. They said I won’t need any more blood tests or follow up so hoping now it’s just a case of giving myself time to heal.

Hi Ladies

Sorry for the late reply, have been so exhausted mentally and physically the last few days, just taking it easy.

I haven’t experienced any major side effects from the shot apart from some stomach cramps, fatigue and the normal bleeding I’ve had since this all started. I’ve been extremely tired and have slept loads. I have my first bloods tomorrow, hoping that the levels would have dropped.

VE123, so happy for you that you are recovering from the surgery.

Tb28, what was the outcome of your scan?

Hi ladies

So glad you are both ok. I’ve been thinking about you both.

They said they think I had a ruptured cyst on my left ovary which is why I might have some cramping, and they could see the smallest amount of blood in my right tube but weren’t sure that was anything.

I had blood again yesterday and am still waiting for the results. Another set of bloods tomorrow and they said if it’s still creeping up they’ll give me the shot tomorrow.

I feel better knowing there is a timeline as I’m getting some sharp stabbing pains and want to move on now. Fingers crossed I’ll get there tomorrow

SAL34 - did you take time off to rest after the injection? Worried about work next week and whether I need to take the week off to recover

Sending strong hugs to you both. It’s weird to think that we all started this around the same time and have had 3 different outcomes so far!