Ectopic after IVF


I’m having a big-time stress at the moment.

6 years ago I had an ectopic and R tube removal

After 1 failed IVF 2012 - negative

Natural positive 2012 - that was a “pregnancy of unknown location”… numbers took a long time to go down so probably an ectopic.

I’ve just had another round of IVF and 9 days after my testing day (so at 27 days pregnant - so 6 weeks tomorrow) I had a positive - with an hCG of 388 (not very high). I had bleeding all last week (didn’t think it had worked) and had “twinges” on my lower right side since just after the embryos were transferred.

I’m so scared this is another ectopic - how can I be so unlucky as to have an ectopic after IVF?! I know I’m jumping the gun a bit but I’m feeling very negative about this and extremely sad, scared and upset. :cry:

Has anyone else been in a similar situation?

Hi - I didn’t want to read and run - not had thi situation but I hope you are getting looked after and they are doing your repeat hcg’s? Any news?

Take care x

Thanks Soops

Well, ended up in hospital for 2 days as they thought I might rupture - haven’t and its still a PUL but my numbers are going down.



I am going through the same thing at the moment after a FET. My numbers are still going up but they can’t see anything anywhere in the scan. I’ve had a period type bleed about 2 weeks ago but nothing since. The doctors don’t even know what to do with me so they’ve referred it to the top consultant so I’m just waiting for a call to confirm what their plan is. I suspect they will want to give me methotrexate but it’s so hard to accept that when they don’t even know where it is. It sucks big time and I also feel like the unluckiest person in the world!

I hope your PUL resolves quickly. I’m glad your numbers are going down, at least that’s a good sign for you physically. Thinking of you.

T x