Pregnancy Unknown Location after IVF

I’m slowly losing my mind. I have health anxiety and this is making my anxiety go through the roof.

So I had an embryo transfer 5 weeks ago. I did a pregnancy test after 11 days and saw a very faint positive. Me and my other half were pleased but worried that I was bleeding.

So we retested and had a US scan on Tuesday. My bHCG was 96 then it went up to 99 but now it’s down to 90.

We knew that the pregnancy wasn’t viable and as upsetting as it was I was more worried (anxious as l hell) about an ectopic.

I’m struggling with anxiety big time. My levels are dropping which I’ve been told is a good thing. I know this rationally and but I’m just scared.

I don’t know why I’m writing this here really I just wanted to share.

Dear littleowl,

I am so sorry that this pregnancy did not go as hoped, to experience loss after IVF can be so difficult and i’m so sorry you are to through this.

I presume you have been told by your medical team that this is a pregnancy of unknown location (PUL), this does not automatically mean it will be an ectopic pregnancy. For every 100 pregnancies labelled as a PUL, about 10 will subsequently be found to be ectopic; but not all of these will need treatment and it seems your hCG are decreasing, which may mean you won’t need any treatment at all.

Not knowing what is happening to our bodies can be extremely overwhelming and you have friends here who understand. I would advise not to do any heavy lifting or exercise whilst you levels are dropping, and seek urgent medical advice with any worsening bleeding or pain.

Above all be kind to yourself and allow time to grieve, to heal both physically and emotionally.

Sending much love and warm hugs,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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