Pregnant yet so anxious!

I tested yesterday and got 2 strong positives (clear blue saying pregnant 2-3 weeks)

however before that we were on holiday when af was due and I was late, when it arrived 2 days late it was the colour of prune juice (just as I had with my EP) but after 2 days of really low period it stopped! I took a test because I was worried about another EP and it was negative so I didn’t worry! When I woke up yesterday morning though I had this urge to test again and it was positive! I’ve had no more blood but across my scar it feels bruised and its more tender on my EP side (I didn’t lose a tube) I’m trying so hard not to worry but I can’t help it… Do u think it’s possible to experience my slight pain and it just be scar tissue or have this bleed and its implantation???

I went to my GP today and he acted straight away… I had my bloods taken and he rang tonight to say my levels are well over 1000 and he’ll call Tomorrow to arrange a scan!

I’m praying I’ll get one this week! Any comments?

Hi A81,

So sorry you’re going through all the stress of this again. I didn’t want to read and run so just thought I’d say it’s good the doctor is on the case and hopefully the scan will be really soon. Of course like all of us here you’ll know that what you’re experiencing could be an ep but (and this is what I wanted to say) it could also be fine. My sister in law had dark bleeding (she thought it was a period) and pain in one side and now she has a beautiful 2 1/2 year old. I hope you get some good news.

Sending you hugs xx

Got my scan 1 week today! A while to wait but got to go with it really and try not to worry!

All across my scar it feels bruised to touch has anyone else experienced this!