I just got a surprise yesterday, I was 4 days late so decided to do a test, really thought it would be negative as we had only just stopped using condoms. But it was positive, have to wait till monday to go see the doc.
I had my ectopic in November last year, I was. 8 weeks when I had the surgery and had been bleeding from 4 weeks. This time feels different, I think/hope. Im only 4 weeks, well i’ll be 5 weeks on monday so I know its early days but ive already told my close friend and my sister.
I didn’t sleep well last night even though I was sooo tired so I suppose I am fretting a bit…
Hi Maria
Congratulations x
I too had EP last December, only just started trying and got a bfp. I go for a 6 week scan tomorrow. I’m terrified, but like you feel different this time.
I wish you lots of luck, and I know exactly what you’re feeling right now, it’s a big mix of emotions!
Keep us posted.
Lv Nina x
Hi nina!!
How lovely to hear from you, nice that someone else feels the same as me. I couldn’t believe how quickly I got my bfp, I had myself all prepared to be waiting a while!! I was actually in with my doc 2 weeks ago asking questions about trying again, little did I know I was already pregnant! So back to the doc tomorrow and hopefully get over for a scan soon.
Hope tomorrow goes well for you, let me know how u get on, ill be thinking about you xx
Hi Maria and Nina
Whispered congratulations to you! We are thrilled with your news and wish you all the best over the coming weeks and months.
EPT Host 12
If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering?
Email us at ept@ectopic.org.uk. Our helpline is 020 7733 2653 (available Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm).
Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team.
Hello congratulations , I also had a ectopic pregnancy in February. I had to have my right tube removed. Found out last week I am pregnant… Scared is a under statement!! Went to the doctors yesterday he’s requesting a early scan ASAP… Feel different this time… Moody very tiered been feeling sick very thirsty aswell… So scared trying to think positive x
Hi Annie!!
That’s great news. I know what u mean, I feel different too, getting all the symptoms, tired, sore boobs, slight nausea at times. I didnt suffer from any of that last time and just bled from before bfp then for 4 weeks till I had the ectopic surgery.
Loving all the symptoms…for now lol!!
I saw doc yesterday and I now just waiting on early scan appointment. Cant wait!!! Feel more excited than nervous but still nerves there lingering in the background.
Fingers crossed for us both… Feel so tiered keep nodding off… I bled at 6 and half weeks with ectopic… Just want my scan to come through now xx
Well I’ll be thinking of you, let me know how u get on xxxx
God im suddenly really scared…its still so early. Please god it’ll all be ok…
Will do, still havent receieved my scan date yet… nervous but want the days to go quick so I can relax… sat in limbo xx
Know what u mean, the days are crawling by!! Waitin on scan date too!!
Nina how did your scan go?? Xx
Hi Maria and Annie
So sorry for not coming back to you sooner, I’m in Mallorca!
My scan went well our little lentil is in the right place and we saw its heart beating away! Very emotional, I cried my eyes out. Was so scared when we went in, it was the same room and sonographer that discovered my last pregnancy was ectopic.
I’m still very tired & get awful morning retching, only been sick once.
I’m keeping everything crossed for you both, but it sounds like things are different for us all this time round.
Love & the very best of wishes ladies xxx
Oh nina im so relieved!! I thought when u didnt get back to me that it might have been bad news!! Thats brilliant news, I so pleased for you!!! Im still waiting on a scan date, its been the longest week! I was gonna ring hospital and see whats keeping it lol, so impatient!
Keep in touch nina and hope the sickness passes soon for you xx
I too got a positive test following an ectopic in sept 2012 received a positive 5 days before period was due and like a crazy woman have done a test every day since haha. Extremely worried I’m bang on 4 weeks today tests have gotten darker which Is different to the faint ones with the ectopic. Had hcg level checked on Monday and have a repeat one tomorrow I wanna be put out my misery now. Just add that I had a left tube removal with the ectopic so functioning with one tube.
Hi hannah! I know exactly how u feel, I had left tube removed last november. I am 6+1 weeks, I got my bfp 10 days ago and they’ve been the longest days ever!! I have a scan next monday to see if everything is where it should be, fingers, toes and everything crossed!!
Try not to stress and just believe its all going to be ok, thats all we can do for now. So rest and look after yourself xx
Wee baby is in the womb!! Still quite early so have to go back next week and see how its progressing but doctor is happy xxxx
Hi ladies,
Congrats to you all who are preggers!! It’s so lovely to hear some success stories! Would you mind sharing whether you had ectopic (how many) and were you medically treated or had surgery and how long you waited or started TTC?
I am experiencing and ectopic waiting on day 7 results tomorrow - nervous as I feel like the shot isn’t working.
I have heard to wait 3 & 6 mths once levels at zero to start trying… No one is definite on the numbers. Then I heard as log as your iron levels are optimal you can start? Does anyone know 100%?
Thanks and congrats again
Maria huge congratulations, fantastic news xxx good luck with next appointment I’m sure everything will be fine…any morning sickness yet?
Keeping the faith - I was treated with 2 shots and told to wait 3 months or 2 full cycles. We decided to wait a little longer so that I was completely recovered mentally and physically, although the experience of EP will stay with me forever.
I have a little girl already and the EP was first one, they couldn’t actually see anything on scans but as my hormone level was high and didn’t drop I was diagnosed with EP.
Try to be strong, it’s very hard, but there are lots of ladies on here experiencing exactly the same thing. This site saved me from some dark days…wishing you lots of love and strength xx