Have just found out I’m pregnant today. Can’t get excited yet. Have phoned my EPU and booked in for a 6 week scan on the 9th October. Going to be a long two weeks. Anyone who has got pregnant and been ok following an ectopic I would love to hear your comments. Had ectopic July 2014 with left tube removal.Only felt able to start trying last two months. X
Hi! I had an EP last May and now have my first scan on Oct 9th as well. I’m actually having pregnancy signs this time where the last time I didn’t have any. Hopefully Oct 9th will be a good day for both of us!
Hi, yes fingers crossed for both of us!! I’m the same - lots more symptoms! X
Are you getting nervous today? I am… What time do you have ur scan tomorrow? X
Hello ladies I found I’m pregnant after an ectopic in June and I am going for a rescan tomorrow.
Just wish you both the best of luck fingers crossed.
Thank you so much and also to you. Having lost a tube it’s so difficult waitung to know. Keep us updated xx
Hope all goes well today Blonde! xx
It’s in the right place
That’s great news you must be so relieved!
I had my right tube removed a couple of weeks ago and I already want to try again, am I mad?
It’s terrifying to think that it could happen again but you have given me some hope.
Wishing a happy and healthy pregnancy X
Thank you Stacey. It was such a relief that it was in the right place. Was living in the ‘unknown’ waiting for the scan. I had to wait well over a year before I felt ready mentally to start trying again but when it’s something you want so badly it’s worth the risk. X
I can’t imagine how you must have felt at the scan! Such great news though.
I am 33 and I don’t have any other children so I kind of feel like I don’t have time to wait too long…
I didn’t have any pains with my ectopic, even when it had ruptured I didn’t have a clue and that’s quite scary and I wont be able to take comfort next time if I don’t have any pains again X
I know. It’s so difficult. I think everything is a constant worry. I’m 32 and no children. When I had the scan they confirmed location but not viability and the sonographer said that would be the case before she scanned. So both sacs could be seen but no embryo. The NHS won’t scan again until 12 weeks so have arranged a private scan in 2 weeks to check for baby and heartbeat. Think you never stop worrying. Google has become my best friend which is bad. If it’s any consolation I only tried for two months before I fell pregnant X
I had my scan - it’s in my uterus!!! Good luck to you & everyone else!!
That’s great news! How far gone are you? Were they able to see the baby or just the sac? X
Take it steady girls. I am. I’m 11wks and have a midwifes appointment Friday. Had a scan 7wks and was in right place and heartbeat. Since then its weird not having anyone medical to turn to. Took midwife 3wk to call me back. They’ve organized the Nuchal scan which is end of this month but no dating scan yet??? Rock and hard place! Not sure if I chase that up or not before appointment or when I’m there. Otherwise I have tired days and days where I get slight pains to each side of the pelvis, digestion can sometimes be uncomfortable and make my tummy feel heavy. Then I have the general heavy day thinking I just need to lay down and do nothing. Hardly any queasiness and when I feel it I eat and it goes. Hardest thing is drinking. My work makes it hard to drink enough because I’m out and about visiting with little access to the loo. So I come home and down so much I’m up 2/3/4 times a night. I’m sure all I normal. Just hope we all get to the end of this and turn our lives around for the most special gift we could ever receive. Best wishes all x
So so so pleased for all you lovely ladies.
I had my ectopic in May - awful time, almost died and had no symptons of an ectopic at all. They removed my right tube and while they had my tummy open, they checked everything else and said I am ‘perfect inside other than the loss of my right tube’. I have been trying for 3 months now with nothing - its difficult. But, all you amazing strong ladies make me realise that what the Dr’s have all told me is true - it isnt impossible and in fact, the loss of 1 tube hardly makes a difference at all as the other tube makes up for it.
Congratulations to you all and keep us all posted.
Hello everyone,
I’m new to the board. Had an EP in May, I was in the worst pain of my life and ended up having emergency surgery with my right tube removed, It was so scary. Am now almost 6 weeks pregnant, at first I was excited and convinced everything was ok but now I’m getting a slight pain in my left abdomen and I’m convinced it’s another EP. I have a scan on Wednesday so not long to wait. I read that that you are more likely to have an EP after having one already, why is this? Because your tube is damaged? I’m sure the surgeon said he checked my other tube and it was healthy. Driving myself mad with worry. It’s good to hear women can have a healthy pregnancy after an EP.
With my last EP I actually had lots of symptoms which made me confident I would detect a second one, but reading that some women had no symptoms is scaring me.
Wednesday can’t come quick enough…
Hi Louise, the waiting period for the scan is not an easy one. You are in limbo - you want to be excited but the fear stops you. I don’t know the reason why the likelihood for a repeat ectopic is high - spent ages googling this! I think it can depend on whether you had surgery or not and if there was any reason the ectopic happened in the first place. It’s easy to say don’t worry but remember the chances are higher that it won’t be. I had a scan at 6 weeks and my pregnancy was confirmed as being in the right location but only sac was visible at this point… So am having a private scan next week to confirm embryo and heartbeat is present - the worrying still never stops and I still won’t accept I’m pregnant until that scan. It’s a shame that history has done this.
It’s unlikely to be suffering with an wxtopic and have NO symptoms. I am sure everything will be fine and you must let us know how u get on xx
Thanks @blonde14
I’m phoning the EPU this morning to see if they can move it forward, if they can’t it’s only 2 days to wait. I’ll let you know how I get on and will keep my fingers crossed for you to see that little heart beat. Xx
Hi Louise,
I could have written your post! I am in exactly the same scenario as you.
I had an EP in June and also lost my right tube. I am now 5w1d pregnant again and keep getting twinges all over my stomach, not only on the left but middle and right too but I’m still so scared it’s going to be another EP.
I have also spent the last few days googling why you are more likely to have another EP once you’ve had one but I couldn’t find any answers. I too was told that my left tube looked clear during the laparoscopy so I don’t know the answer to that question either.
I am also having my first scan on Wednesday this week at 5w3d and I think it’s borderline too early to be having a scan as I understand that the heartbeat isn’t usually visible till 6/7 weeks. I guess this scan is to rule out an ectopic, then another scan can follow to see the heartbeat etc.
I believe these little twinges we are getting can be normal and just a result of the uterus expanding, preparing itself for the baby.
I have had 2 beta’s done, one at 13dpo and one at 15dpo and they were 199 and 490. Have you had any bloodwork done to put your mind at ease a little?
I won’t say “don’t worry” because I know that’s impossible, but try and think as positively as you can. This is what is getting me through each day. The symptoms I had with the EP in June, I don’t have this time around. Try and take one day at a time, only 2 days to go until your scan
Got everything crossed for you that everything is perfect this time and bean made it to the right place! x