Spotting blood at 4 weeks

Well I really don’t know what to do ATM. I’ve just found out I’m about 4 weeks 2 days pregnant, had surgery for ectopic 2nd jan this year and I’ve just started to spot realy pale pinkish colour when I wipe. I’m realy hoping it’s not another ectopic.anyone got any info or what I could do on a sun afternoon as the epu is shut and local walk in center can’t scan me thanks in advance.x

Oh no how awful are you having any pain if you get pain go to the hospital? Can you call out of hours doctors and they can also advise what to do? X

Hi daisy lack, thanks for your message. Well I went up to a&e yest afternoon, got sent for assessment, had lots of poking and prodding, bloodtests and got to wait for a phone call off epu either today or tomorrow but the gyro said that it would probably be to early to see anything on a scan at the minute so not sure when they will book me in, I’ll keep you posted. Had a couple of sharp shooting pains on left side that have come and gone but not a lot of other pain thankfully, although I didn’t realy get a lot with the ectopic so not giving me much hope realy

Keeping my fingers crossed for you

“Daisy black” not lack lol xx

Oh I hope everything is Ok so worrying wwhen stuff like this happens but least your on the way to getting it sorted best thing maybe if they scan least they can just tell you weather the baby is in he right place I keep my fingers crossed for you xx

This must be very worrying but my friend did get a little bleeding at each period and she has a very healthy 3 year old now. Xxx you are doing the best thing by checking everything out, try and relax. Xxx

Thanks ladies for the support.its a horrible time and every twinge I’m blowing all out of proportion. Got to go back for blood tests tomorrow am but they said they won’t scan me yet as its too early. They’ll probably leave it til I rupture like they did last time. Sorry… Hacked off at the system just lately. Xx

I no what u mean it’s stupid I think they should scan ASAP specially when you’ve had bleeding I went to the doctors today and she said I’m not allowed a scan cause she reckons il be fine I don’t know why they do this hope your Ok x

Oh gosh realy? All the Drs/ gyros seem to have a differant set of rules! I was told after surgery if ever i get pregnant again to get an app to get scanned, seems it’s not that simple! As you to are finding out. Well it’s good news for you…at least you’ve been given some reassurance :smiley: hope that you can start to relax about it and enjoy it! Have you had any preg symptoms? I’ve had a few waves of sickness that gave passed pretty quickly though.(I’m hoping this is a good sign,as I had no symptoms with the ectopic) xx

Well they told me when I had my op to go docs straight away cause I will need to be scanned so they can’t make up there minds! She estimated me being 5-6 weeks and she told me if it ectopic u won’t get any signs it is till your 8 weeks gone so bit nervous now she did send me for a bloodtest and have to go for another one on wWednesday and then she will ring me Friday to discuss it hopefully how are you feeling? Only symptom I’m having is feeling sick x

8 weeks? Sounds abit far gone for only just getting symptoms…I thought it was more around the 6 week mark? Do you know what your hcg levels were today? Mine were 185 yest but am thinking that’s quite low from what I’ve read? Trying not to think about tomorrow for repeat bloods but is always on my mind…it’s driving me crazy! well if your feeling sick I’d say that’s definatly a good sign, does that mean that you are further on in your preg than you originally thought or was that about what you thought? Massive congratulations to you by the way!!! :smiley: xx

That was what I thought how far I was anyway no i just had my bloods done then went and got to go back Wednesday and then she’s meant to ring me Friday I felt sick when I had my ectopic and I bled from the beginning with my ectopic I think she must of got it wrong I thought 8 weeks seemed a bit long they really should stick to here word and give a scan soon as someone who’s had a ectopic get pregnant again cause all the worrying is not good I want to be happy I’m pregnant but II’m always thinking ah it could be ectopic…They say you bloods are meant to double aren’t they? Do you find out about if your bloods have doubled straight away? X

Hi hun, I have just had my blood results back. They were taken Wednesday and Friday last week. They are ment to double in 48-72 hours. Which mine have and got my scan on Thursday when they think I will be 6 weeks. Xxx

Oh thats good news then bet you can’t wait for the scan.every hour is like a thousand when you’re waiting. Ive got bloods to be taken tomorrow morning but they have to phone back in the late afternoon with the results so ill be doing all I can to keep busy. :slight_smile: x

Thanks hun, it’s horrible all the waiting. Worst of all I have been at home cos my little girl is poorly. Time has literally stood still. Xxx good luck tomorrow. Xxx

Hey have you had any news on yet hope everything goes Ok x

Hey daisyblack, thanks for asking…well my hcg levels have gone from 185 to 425 which is great news so they’ve booked me in for a scan on sat morning.ages away! lol.its made me a little more relaxed although am still on pins! How are you getting on? :slight_smile: xx

Sorry Bec, I’ve only just seen your message! Good luck for Thursday, let us know how you get on xx :slight_smile:

That’s brilliant news and thank you. Xxx