I had an ectopic in October and found out I was pregnant again our first round trying after the 3 month break. I immediately went in for blood work but for some reason they only did 2 rounds of betas instead of 3. They doubled and the nurse said I was good to wait until my 8 week scan. 3 days later I started spotting…went in for a scan (too early to see anything) and more blood work. I was at 770 two days ago and now I’m waiting for Monday to find out if I’m still doubling. I’m not feeling at all hopeful as I’m still spotting. I’ve found myself dreading using the bathroom as the spotting makes me physically sick to my stomach with dread. The waiting is agonizing. I want to believe that spotting isn’t necessarily an indicator of an EP but deep down I know it must be happening again.
Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy, I am so sorry to hear of your current concerns. I know when I found out we were pregnant following our ectopic pregnancy, I was so nervous until the 6week scan.
Women do bleed/spot for various reasons in early pregnancy but I do understand your worries. Unfortunately, we can not exclude ectopic pregnancy and I do have to remind you that if you experience bleeding, abdominal pain, shoulder tip pain or feel dizzy and unwell please seek urgent medical advice.
I am sending you warm hugs and positive thoughts,
Sending much love,
Karen x
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