Hello all,
I’m new and have never really posted in a forum before. Here’s my story:
It was 3 weeks ago today that we announced to family and some close friends that we were expecting a new addition to our little family. Like most people, we were excited and happy to be parents again. Excited that our loving little boy would be a big brother.
It was a few days later, whilst at work that I felt some unusual pains or cramping, but no bleeding. I thought nothing of it, but mentioned it to My partner anyway. We decided to get things checked out, to be on the safe side. We made an appointment for the next day at the Early Pregnancy unit. We went to the appointment optimistic, thinking that it was just one of those pregnancy things.
During the appointment we had a scan. It showed that there was nothing in the uterus. However, we were told that it was a possibility that it was very hard to find something at only 5 weeks. We were a little worried, but again still optimistic. They took some blood and would test the hcg levels. And then retest 48 hours later. We left thinking that everything would be fine and continued to plan for the future.
48 hours later we went back to the hospital to have more bloods taken. The nurse told us we should expect a phone call later that day. That evening, I received the phone call, and the doctor on the other end of the phone discussed her worries with me. My hcg levels had not risen as expected. They were then concerned that it could be an Ectopic Pregnancy. After talk about admission to hospital that night, I refused. I would go in, in the morning. So the next morning I received a call from the Early Pregnancy Unit asking me to come in as soon as possible.
We arrived at the hospital in good spirits, thinking that the pregnancy was just going to be one of those awkward ones. We went in to the scan room and started the process. The nurse began the scan pressing down as firmly as possible to find the baby… there was still nothing in the uterus. She then proceeded to scan the Fallopian tubes.
She had found a “mass” in the right tube. This broke us. We had been planning for this new baby, even told family and close friends. Now we were being told that there would be no baby and had the possibility of losing the Fallopian tube too.
Everything seemed surreal and a blur. We were being told that I would need surgery as soon as possible, as it would end up killing me if left in there much longer. That night I had surgery to remove the 5 week pregnancy.
Recovery has been hard on all of us. We are still in the recovery process, both physically and mentally.
The love and support from our family and close friends has been amazing. My partner has been my rock throughout all of this and Our son is our shining light and I am thankful for him even more so now.
I can only speak for myself here, but I don’t know how to grieve, I don’t know what I’m feeling. It’s hard to process.
I keep breaking down and crying. A consultant told me to not be upset and just carry on with life, because I’m young and can have many more babies if I wanted to. He was so insensitive.
I have trouble expressing my emotions normally. These past few weeks have been horrendous. I cannot be bothered doing anything, I’m so fed up and I know I’m impacting my little boy. I just can’t get my head in to gear to sort every day activities out.
Is it normal? I’m back at work this week and I’m scared I’m not emotionally ready. But I cannot stay home any longer, its driving me insane.