I had surgery a week ago for an ectopic pregnancy, where they also removed my left fallopian tube. Everything happened so quickly that I feel I haven’t had time to process the loss of our baby, until yesterday when I cried a lot.
I had no symptoms that my pregnancy was ectopic. We went for a private early reassurance scan a few days before due to our last pregnancy ending in an early miscarriage. At the scan they weren’t able to see anything in my uterus so referred us to the early pregnancy unit for another scan. There they identified a mass on my left fallopian tube. I had to have surgery due to the raised level of my HCG and during the surgery they did find blood in my tube, so it was lucky we had the scan.
I am just finding it so difficult to process our loss. I was devastated when they told us at the scan but following the surgery my mind seemed to focus on the physical symptoms and I felt numb to the emotional side. Now I am physically feeling better, I am feeling so upset.
I know I shouldn’t but I feel guilty that it is my fault there was something wrong with my tube and that’s why our baby couldn’t travel down. This loss feels a lot different to process to our previous miscarriage.