BFP after 2nd Ectopic..... Really worried!!!

Hi ladies

In 2017 I had a ruptured ectopic which resulted in emergency surgery and removal of my right fallopian tube and fetus. Last year my left tube was beginning to rupture so they removed that with the fetus too.

So moving forward I had no tubes left and our only option was IVF.

Anyway we’ve just completed our first cycle of IVF.

It was successful and I am now 5 weeks 4 days pregnant.

The IVF clinic won’t scan me until next week when I reach 6 weeks. I understand their reasons but I’m going out of my mind with worry.

I have all of the typical signs of pregnancy but cramping alot in my right side.

The doctor told me at the beginning that there is a chance of the embryo implanting Into the remainder of the tubal stump. Would there be cramping on one side if I have no tubes?

I have had no bleeding. Just cramping and kidney pains. Has anyone experienced this and gone on to have an inuterine pregnancy?

Any reassurance would truly be appreciated!!

Hi Mrs_Morris,

I am so sorry that you are going through this worrying time. Suffering ectopic pregnancies can mean we experience more anxiousness in future pregnancies. I still hold those feelings. I’m not medically qualified so I cannot speak to the doctor’s advice regarding implantation, however, a risk of ectopic pregnancy does remain even with IVF.

I know how difficult it is to wait until the six-week scan. I encourage you to take time for yourself and to try to rest as much as possible. As you are monitoring your symptoms, it’s important to pay attention to any increasing pain and if you start bleeding. I hope very much that the six-week scan provides some reassurance.

No matter what, we are here for your through all of this and these boards are a safe space. Please look after yourself during this time.

With good wishes,


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