I suffered an ectopic pregnancy last October. I didn’t even know I was pregnant as id had a period. I lost my right Fallopian tube as it had ruptured and I had a mass of internal bleeding. Our little baby was around 7 weeks with a lovely heartbeat but there was nothing they could do
Anyway, amazingly I got a BFP on 30 dec. I’ve had some initial bloods 128 and 346, 48 hours later. I’ve a scan booked for the 13th but every little twinge and pain is sending me paranoid! Anyone else in the same boat?
A huge congratulations to you, I have everything crossed for you and hope the scan goes well.
I just wanted to let you know that I currently 28 weeks pregnant, I fell pregnant 7 months after my ectopic, like you I panicked about every twinge and pain , I didn’t have any bleeding like I had with my ectopic so I clung on to that positive , plus like you my bloods came back as doubling every 48 hours - that’s really positive. I just wanted to let you know that after an ectopic the nurses assured me that pain is quite common due to surgery/tenderness etc so just try to stay relaxed and positive and take it easy until your scan. Also , depending on how far along you are don’t be too worried if they don’t see much at the first scan, I had my first at 4.4 weeks and they could just see a sac and I had to go back 2 weeks later and they could see the heartbeat.
Just stay positive, relax and put your feet up as much as you can.
Let us know how you get on. I’ll be thinking of you.