Hi, I’m pregnant again following a right tubal ectopic removed by laparoscopy 6 months ago (have had a previous healthy pregnancy).
I have just had some spotting over the last day or so, ranging from light pink tailing off to pale brown, which the EPU said in itself is nothing to worry about, and have booked me in for my 6week scan. I’m just a little frustrated as the nurse on the phone was insistent I wouldn’t be 6 weeks until Wednesday 4th Jan, even though I told them my LMP start date was Monday 21st Nov - which surely would make me 6 weeks on Monday, 2nd Jan? I know it seems silly quibbling over 2 days extra wait but my last ectopic was only diagnosed at 6 and a half weeks when I was rushed to hospital in pain and given emergency surgery that day. I’m concerned about it getting to that stage again. Anyone can offer any words of advice or reassurance? Thanks all x
I’m in the same boat 5 weeks and 5 days. Ive been having discomfort on my left side but not sure if it’s related to my pregnancy or not.
I wish you a h&h9m
Thanks Swager14, I’m sorry you’re in the same boat. Same to you, I hope everything turns out ok. So do you have a scan booked? And have you spoken to the EPU about the discomfort in your left side?
I keep getting twinges of discomfort in my left side too, but only since I started looking out for it, mind - so I could just be paranoid. But although the EPU said to call back if anything changes, I don’t really know what they’d do if they can’t see anything before 6 weeks anyway? I’m 5+4 today by my calculations (5+2 by theirs!)
I’m in a similar situation I had an ectopic 18 months ago which results in my right tube being removed. Found out I was pregnant again after a few months of trying last week, I started to have cramps and a very light bleed I got sent to the EPU where they done a blood test and came back at 4000 hcg whih they said should show on scan they done an internal scan couldn’t see a sac but couldn’t see "something"on my remaining tube I was devasted to say the least my only renaming tube and this is happening again. I was sent for a laparoscopy which I had previously to remov tube, after surgery the doctor explained to me that my remaining tube is healthy and they can see no ectopic there and blockages! She said I have a small cyst on my ovary but can still see nothing in the womb! They just said my womb is very soft and thick! I was sent home and to go back Sunday to check my hcg levels again through a blood test they want them to double and will get another scan! I’m in total limbo and worried sick is there any positive stories ? I’m praying for my levels to double and something to show in the womb as bad as it sounds I’d rather have a uterine miscarriage than go through the risk of Losing my remaining tube ! Any help or advice would b so helpful xxxx
Hi Ladies,
Whispered congratulations on your pregnancies. I have just found out I am pregnant again after an ectopic in March (treated with methotrexate) and a miscarriage in August (8+4). I am also having twinges on the right side, however I have to remind myself that with the ectopic I had heavy bleeding and severe pain which I don’t have at the moment.
A friend of mine also suffered an ectopic last December (tube removal) she is know 14 weeks and was convinced her second pregnancy was ectopic due to twinges and pain, however it was a cyst.
I wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months, please keep me posted. Xx
Hello, totally understand that 2 extra days seems like a lifetime when all you want is peace of mind! I suppose it will give slightly longer for something to show on a scan at least. Crossing everything for you!
One thing it could be is the corpus luteum cyst which stays on the ovary you ovulate from after ovulation and produces progesterone. However, I totally understand your panic, I’m in the same boat (see my other post) except the pain is coming from my ectopic side (my tube was saved but it was sliced open during surgery so I have scar tissue). Terrified mine is ectopic but also aware that it could be scar tissue stretching.
Good luck to everyone and wishing you a happy and healthy 2017! xxx
Thank you so much ladies for sharing your experiences and offering words of support. It’s especially good to hear those positive stories of people who had these same fears then found them to be unfounded. There also really is some comfort to be had in knowing there are others in the same boat who understand your fears, as much as I wouldn’t wish what we have been/are going through on anyone. I hope you all know what I mean.
I really hope we all have healthy pregnancies and everyone gets that news they wish for this year. Xxx
Hiya, sorry to hear what you’ve been through, I have been in the exact same boat, I had an 8 week ectopic pregnancy in October 2016 ended up with having my right tube and ovary removed, I had one proper period a month after than this month my period was late, I took a pregnancy test on the 3rd day late and it came up positive! The next day I was having terrible pains very similar to when I was having an ectopic… I got rushed into hospital 3 days ago today and had an emergency scan to show that I’ve got a healthy 7 weeks 3 days pregnancy! Your most likely feeling pains more than you would because it’s our first pregnancy after your ectopic? I thought it was starting all over again - probably best to get checked out as soon as you possibly can but hopefully it’s nothing to worry about - just where your body is working overtime from previous trauma! GOOD LUCK!
That’s good to hear positive stories I love this little forum place I am never one to go on these kinds of things however I personally don’t know anyone else who has gone through this and I find it so difficult to talk to people about! They just say aw u will be fine etc etc but that doesn’t help when we have been through so much! I am getting my bloods today so fingers crossed they have doubled I’ve had no more bleeding with my previous ectopic I had a heavy period like bleed with bad cramps! I’m hoping things are going to b different this time I hope everyone’s turns out ok!
Happy new year also
LC1992x hope your hospital visit went well today, I have fingers crossed for you that it has been good news x
My only update is that my spotting finally stopped although I’ve definitely been experiencing some discomfort and pressure (almost trapped wind-like) in my lower left abdomen which is obviously freaking me out - but again the EPU aren’t too worried unless the pain gets bad enough for me to visit a gp or A&E for a referral to them. Otherwise I’ll update on Wednesday after my scan.
Fingers crossed for everyone xxx
Hey there
1980sgirl thinking of you on your scan on wed and be sure to post an update on here, I got my HCG Leverkusen results back today they have doubled and doctors feel it’s a good sign I have to go back on Tuesday for more bloods and another scan to see if we can see anything I’m still not out the woods yet! It’s such a difficult time xx
Thanks and really hoping the best for you LC1992x
I meant to say before, thank you so much to Chloejade for that positive story as well as to Soph and Nicola - your supportive words really do help! Sorry it’s hard to remember all the names at once haha xx
Just a wee update went for a scan today and they seen heartbeat and little sac right away not sure why nothing was seen sooner I’m shocked and excited but very very nervous going back in 3 weeks to check progress fingers crossed xxxx
Oh that’s amazing! So happy for you! Xxx
Great news LC1992. Stay positive and keep us posted xx
Thanks ladies finally feel can relax a bit well until my 12 week scan!
Keep us posted with your updates
Hi everyone, so I had my scan this morning but looking like bad news unfortunately. It is almost certainly ectopic.
I am 6weeks 2days but nothing visible in the uterus and a 17x18mm mass of some sort, consistent with ectopic pregnancy, visible just by the left ovary (the side of my remaining tube). Just atthe hospital waiting on blood results before they decide whether to go straight in for an operation I think.
For people reading this post now and in the future, I know it’s not what you wanted to hear, but since last night I have been cramping and bleeding dark red blood so I’ve pretty much known for several hours now that something wasn’t right.
I hope it doesn’t sound awful but I just want them to get me operated on and get rid of it now! I don’t feel like I care about my future fertility anymore, I just want to be okay for my son. Just really don’t want to go through all this again. But I know I am one of the lucky ones having had one successful pregnancy.
Thanks everyone for sharing your stories on here. All the best to all of you x
Hi all,
Also bad news here. I started bleeding last night and have been to the doctors this morning who have pretty much confirmed a miscarriage. This is my second in 3 months following on from my ectopic.
Feeling very sad and low today and wondering how many more times I go through this. Xx
I am so sorry to hear you are both going through this - 1980s girl you are going through my exact scenario last week had to go for surgery only a cyst was found then few days later heartbeat seen on scan! Please keep positive because as we all know anything can happen! However I know how you feel just want there to be an end to it and think to yourself why is this happening to me it’s almost cruel I really hope u get some positive news soon u seem very strong xxxx
Thanks so much LC1992x I guess anything could be possible but my levels were only 320-something so doubtful to be a viable pregnancy based on my dates and symptoms. Would be good though if they found the suspected ectopic to be just a cyst and maybe I have been miscarrying a uterine pregnancy.
Still on the waiting list for a laparoscopy and have been gowned and nil-by-mouth all yesterday (except a piece of toast) and today! So frustrating!
Either way for me now a positive outcome will be a successful op and get home to my little family
Nicola I’m so sorry for you and what you’ve been through. I really hope 2017 is a kinder year for you. Best wishes to you xxx