Feels just like last time


I had an ectopic last November which resulted in having my right tube removed at almost 7 weeks. The last few months have been tough trying to deal with the rollercoaster of emotions and trying not to focus too much on conceiving again.

Last week I got my positive test, been trying not to get too excited but at the same time trying to relax and not fear the worst.

This morning I’ve found traces of blood at 5+2 weeks and keep thinking I can feel twinges on my right side (not entirely sure this isn’t just my imagination though).

I have a 6 week scan booked will call EPU this morning to see if I can be seen earlier. Will this be too early for them to see anything though?

I’m absolutely petrified, it feels just like last time.

Don’t know how I’d cope with going through it again.

I can’t offer any advice but I’m going through the same, I’m 6 +1 and have my scan at EPU tomorrow, I went to a&e last night as I had some bleeding and a different kind of cramp or pain, they scanned and said there was no free fluid which is a good indicator it’s not ectopic and done bloods where I had a normal hog for this far pregnant just petrified tomorrow they’re going to say there is no baby… just know your not alone, sending best wishes to you and hope for the best xxx

Thanks for your reply, it does help to know there are others out there sharing the worries.

I have contacted EPU and they’ve said there’s no point in scanning yet as they won’t see anything. I need to wait until my appointment next Monday, in the meantime present at A and E if symptoms get worse.

The waiting is agony isn’t it!

All sounding good for you so far then, best wishes for you tomorrow, hope you get the reassurance you need xxx

Dear LJC-87,

Whispered congratulations on your pregnancy.

The EPU are right in that it can be difficult to see anything on a scan prior to 6 weeks. It is very common to feel twinges during the next pregnancy and some ladies do spot during early pregnancy too. However I must post this with a note of caution and advise that You do seek medical advice if these symptoms continue or worsen. Although not diagnostic they could complete serial HCG bloods to see what your levels are doing which would help give an indication into the pregnancy. I do not wish to worry you at all but I would always air on the side of caution.

Sending you much love and positive thoughts,

Karen x

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I had my scan, everything is as it should be, hope you get the same result xxx

Amazing news, thanks for the update! Xxx

EPU told me earlier in the week that they could not see me before 6 weeks but to call them or present at A&E if the bleeding continued or pain got worse.

So last night I went to A&E as the pain had worsened and I have continued to bleed all week.

Other than taking my bloods they were unable to do anything without an internal scan, I was referred to EPU for this this morning and was sent home from A&E before the blood results came back.

Today EPU have given me an appointment for a scan tomorrow.

I know what is happening, it feels exactly the same as last time and I’m terrified that it will be too late again and need my other tube removed or even worse that it could rupture.

I just don’t understand why I’m told to contact EPU or go to A&E if nothing happens! I still have to wait until tomorrow.

What do I do in the meantime?!!

So frustrated with it all on top of being worried to death and wondering how I am going to cope with the aftermath a second time :frowning:

So sorry you’re having to worry wait and wait. It’s so awful when you’ve already been thru it once. Are your bloods going up as expected? I had to wait two weeks for my ectopic to be found and treated and it was agony. Especially to have it as a constant reminder every time you go to the loo.

What times your scan tomorrow?

Hoping you get sorted soon and everything is ok Xx

It’s agony… feel like I’d only just started to turn a corner after the first one, don’t know how ill cope with another loss :cry:

My levels from yesterday were low at 150, not what they’d expect for almost 6 weeks but have nothing to compare it to yet to see if it’s increasing or not.

My appointments at 11. They’re expecting not to see anything at scan with levels that low. They’ve explained it a bit better to me this afternoon which has helped a little. Even if they can’t see anything tomorrow at least another blood test will give us some idea of what’s going on I guess. Xx

Good luck, let us know how you get on. I hope you get some answers soon, at least the bloods will help. My unit won’t scan us until we’re at at least 1000 xx


So at the scan yesterday they didn’t see anything, but did see some blood which would explain the bleeding I’m still having but not why.

Tubes were clear.

They took my bloods again and sent me away pretty sure I was miscarrying, expecting to see hcg level falling.

This morning though my blood results came back, hcg level increased by 51%. This comparison won’t be very accurate though as this was the increase after 38hrs and not 48hrs.

I have to go back in tomorrow for more bloods.

I’m so confused now, I was accepting that it was a miscarriage and starting to process it and now this.

So it could still be an ectopic … I’m not daring to hope it could be viable… surely something would have been seen on the scan by now if it was at 6 weeks??!

So sorry you’ve not managed to get any answers yet. How were your bloods today? It’s possible you weren’t that far along? Did they say when they would rescan you?

I’ve got my early scan on Monday, epu don’t seem concerned about my bleeding, but it’s terrifying to go through especially having had one before. I understand how you must be feeling.


My levels have only risen by 29%, not enough for it to be viable :cry: completely devastated…again.

I have to go for another scan on Saturday just to check there’s nothing ectopic that needs help with resolving.

I really hope you have a positive outcome at your scan, fingers crossed for you xx

Oh no. I am so so sorry to hear that. It’s really heartbreaking. I hope everything resolves itself and you don’t need any treatment. The pain of loss is so intense and is massively amplified cos of everything you’ve already been through. You aren’t alone, lots of people understand how you feel and the devastation. I am gutted for you mate. Please message if you need/want too. It’s just so unfair. Sending lots of hugs Xxxx

Really sorry to hear it’s not the news you wanted, and hope you get your rainbow baby at the right time for you. It’s hard when you try so hard to do everything as you should but there is some things you just can’t control xxx